Saturday, November 28, 2009
the black bird hunt
The problem with the floofy poofer world of American experts and world experts is none of them have any interest in blood sports. If these people had had a inkling of interest, some information I came across which has not been given wide reporting, would have ruined Barack Hussein Obama in 2008.All of it involves the 1981 trip to Pakistan by Birdie Obama which all were focusing on passports and Muslim things, but none had an interest in cordite, kynoch or beaters.To explain those three words one has to be from the old English school where such sweet burning smells, ammunition and local hunting parties all meant the fun of a lifetime in experiencing things the Raj, British Royals or select Americans ever partook of.
There is something blissful about arising in the amber cool of dawn to the dull rustling of a house servant visiting you with sweet tea and perhaps paddy or millet in goat milk to brace oneself for a hunt.The wet dust filling your nostrils of dew covered morning, the shiver of dawn, the dogs, the beaters huddled in their rag garments and the thrill of seeing a Kipling day is something which would stay in ones mind past Alzheimer's.The reason for the journey down memories past is the completely uninvestigated fact that Barack Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama was the guest of noted Pakistani citizens in 1981. The family was Chandio, of Muhammad Husan Chandio, who were the largest land owners in the region of Larkana, which happens to be the base of the Bhutto clans which ruled Pakistan.While in Larkana, this 20 year old boy named Barry was given a partridge hunt as was reported in the press and overlooked.
This is a world of poverty where such nods are of special notice in the land of the raj.This was the world of the Brzezinski manufacture of his muhajadeen fighters, the same Brzezinski who would tutor Obama at Columbia University, and the same muhajadeen with Sheik bin Laden who were fighting the Soviets under Ronald Reagan.It is reported that the Pakistani benefactors of Birdie Obama were told to look after the child by CIA operative. For the reality, Pakistan, if one was in power, that meant either British MI6 or the American CIA was connected to you, whether your nation hated the Anglo's or not.So child Obama ventures into Pakistan like his mother would often, a hot bed of CIA, Soviet and Muslim intelligence agencies. He then is treated to a partridge hunt which no one has ever asked about, which is quite interesting in how many fowl he bagged, what type of smooth bores he used and how the once in a lifetime honor from Pakistan actually went.Odd is it not when in 2008, Mr. Obama conveniently forgot this major hunt in his honor when appealing to the NRA, sportsmen and 2nd Amendment advocates.Nothing more apple pie than going on safari and yet Obama instead insulted this group with his Bible and guns quip.
What might make this all connect a bit more is the knowledge that Obama had a benefactor who was Saudi oil OPEC funded in Dr. Khalid Al Mansoor who contacted a Percy Sutton, who represented Malcolm X as his lawyer, to write a letter for Mr. Obama to gain admittance into Harvard.That Obama bow to the Saud King now takes on new proportions as one understands the royals of the world.The old Hapsburg dynasty and other royals in Europe are the ones with the British who are the upper level pecking order, who have their funding run by the Rothschild banking cartel.
This is who Obama was bowing to when he went on his summer rock tour to Berlin.Into this money chain comes the Muslim oil money, led by the Saudi royal family, who just happen to be the epitome of Asian royalty as they are the royal keepers of the Muslim faith in their shrines at Medina and Mecca. The Saudi family would fund vast projects for Ronald Reagan in bringing down the Soviet empire, one of them being the funding of the Afghan war. This is why Sheik bin Laden was skulking about Pakistan as this was part Saud Muslim operation. All of these rich Muslims have been bed with American foreign policy in a giant CIA interconnected web of various CIA divisions.
This is what is at the heart of Bearick Obama in his coming to New York as somewhere in this the mix of international Marxists like intelligence control Bill Ayers wed to black Marxist Frank Marshall David, all started melding with OPEC financing, Ford Foundation in Stanley Ann Dunham and her boss, Mr. Geithner who is now the Secretary of the Treasury's son, found in Barack Obama a son, who with the British socialist manifest in Barack sr., all launched Barry Soetoro, dope head being interdicted for, to a Muslim society which was throwing hunting parties for him treating him like royalty.Constantly in this one finds cropping up homosexuals or bi sexuals, from Frank Marshall Davis, Occidental gay mentor, Professor Lawrence Goldyn to the gay Columbia connection of flaming faculty to the then meeting with Bill Ayers who wrote of homosexual activity.All of this seems to revolve around some rich, gay international males club, who somehow admit a rather repeatedly rude, stupid (Obama's writings of the era which have surfaced do not apparently make any sense and have spelling mistakes.) and belligerent Barack Obama into the highest of circles of intelligence, Muslim and gay groups.
None of that can be by accident and it appears like the Keynesian pedophile elite groups to be a globalist society in which Barack Obama had an admittance card no one questioned.Was Obama a chronic lair like his mother Stanley Ann, and somehow led people to believe was Malcolm X's son as that rumor has surfaced, meaning was Obama the original source in rejecting both Lolo Soetoro and Barack sr., for his fictional "dream of his father" that might have included Frank Marshall Davis in his mind as sperm donor? Tall tales amaze the dope head culture, but there is something more to this as CIA operatives in Pakistan just do not vouch for a 20 year old dope head on a visit no more than the Pakistani elite roll out the royal hunt club.In that the mystery is still to be solved, but as Barack Obama is hiding a raj type hunt which is literally bigger in that aristocracy than any Nobel Prize the masses win, there is the rub to the story of the black partridge hunt in Pakistan.
This all speaks of intelligence operatives being groomed and the same heavy hitters in Europe and the Saudi family who greased the wheels to Mr. Obama's 2008 presidential theft in America, are the genesis of the trip to Pakistan. Large hitters who had the Rockefellers who oversea America, deaf, dumb and blind that they had Mrs. Clinton offered up to humiliate her.None of Barack Hussein Obama makes any logical sense, he is a changeling of different origin who the elite specifically groomed. The one question this blog wants to know is about that Pakistani hunt as that is where the lies are laid.How many raj hunts did Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton or Richard Holbrooke ever receive?None is the answer. So the question is why Barack Hussein Obama.
[can you say communist muslim world take over plot?]
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!
Barry Napier BioPrint friendlyE-mail a friendContact Us By Barry Napier Monday, November 23, 2009 At last, major global warming scientists, some based in England, are shown to be what they are – shameful pushers of lies and scientific fraud. Those of us who oppose the movement already know they are liars, but it is important that their deceptions are brought out into the open for all to see. They have derogated and scorned reputable scientists for opposing warming ideas, so now let them be scorned by their own discovered deceptions.
They hide the true facts, they stop anti-warming scientists from getting their work published, they distort figures, they feed the IPCC with lies, just to keep the myth going. As I have said before, they do it to get to their main goal – money, power and socialism. Yes, it might sound like a broken record, but what can you do when that is what is going on?
Recent revelations exploded on the scene just a few days ago, but few in the media reported on it! Why? Because they are biased toward error and toward the business of making up stories that shock and spread doom. They increase readership and listeners, whereas good news does not.
I predict that no government, except for those already refusing to be harassed into signing treaties on warming, will bother to take this on board, unless they are forced to by voters. They want the lies to continue so that they can cripple their countries with ‘green’ taxes – which are many already – and get power for themselves.
No doubt, ‘truth-or-lie’ websites will want to get in quick to deny or accept that the revelations are genuine or not. Just bear in mind that there is only one way they can prove their case – that is, if someone admits to being the hacker and admits to inventing what he said. There is no other way to prove or disprove what has been revealed. Even then, the ‘hacker’ who makes such an admission may not be genuine… it is not beyond imagination that scientists caught out by the revelations would get someone to take the blame, in return for favours unknown… maybe a promise of a completed PhD, or money, or some other incentive. After all, the stakes are very high, and world leaders are relying on these lies as a basis for their own lies and power struggle.
For myself, I have been revealing the truth about environmentalism for some years now, and I know greenies are liars and frauds. I have shown some of this in my own literature. So have others. Al Gore has already been shown to be a consummate liar, particularly in his film, ‘An Inconvenient Truth’, which was dismembered point-by-point by an UK court. All greenie science has been debunked. But no politician will allow such truth to dissuade them from taking powers beyond their remit!
ClimategateTim Blair said in the UK’s Daily Telegraph:
“Should they (emails) be proved genuine, which is looking likely at this point, in the absence of denials, these emails are absolute dynamite.”
‘The Austrian’ newspaper said:
“Computer hackers have broken into Britain’s leading climate science research centre, making public thousands of private emails between top climate change scientists and, in the process, laying bare their bitter disagreements about the cause of climate change.”
We already know this, but the media refuses to say so! The ‘top scientists’ referred to feed the UN’s IPCC with fraudulent and fake figures. One of them is Michael Mann, who invented the ridiculously infamous ‘hockey stick’… twice! And it was twice debunked. But, it is still being used.
The Sydney Morning Herald unwittingly admitted the ‘stolen’ emails were genuine by quoting one of the ‘leading scientists’ hacked; he said they were “leaks”. By saying that, he admits the material stolen was genuine, for leaks come from a source!
Other scientists, irate at the IPCC rejecting their own papers in favour of these fraudulent ones, demands to know why their papers were rejected. The reason is that the IPCC only wanted contributions that agreed with their pro-warming stance, because this is what their sponsor governments want to hear! This, however, is very bad science.
The IPCC should have published all contributions, to let world scientists see for themselves the pro and con arguments. To reject them beforehand is evidence not of good science, but of propaganda in progress. But, as the IPCC is financed by world governments, who want fake answers to support their socialist cause, it is quite happy to make fraudulent reports, such as the 2007 Report that kicked off the current global warming scare.
Climate scientist Roger Pielke Sr (quoted from blogs, is very angry and demands to know the extent to which the IPCC has been hijacked by frauds:
“The challenge to the IPCC community, now that their duplicity has been exposed, is to communicate to all of us why the peer-reviewed papers that we documented, and that were available in time for the IPCC review process, were considered ‘bad papers’, and thus ignored in the IPCC report. A balanced assessment would comment on these papers, and provide the reason they disagree with their results.”
Former UK Chancellor Lord Nigel Lawson, who has himself written a semi-opposition to climate claims, comments in The Times that “at first blush (it seems to have emerged) the scientists have been manipulating the raw temperature figures to show a relentlessly rising global warming trend… have consistently refused outsiders access to raw data… avoided freedom of information requests… and have discussed ways to prevent papers by dissenting scientists being published in learned journals.” You don’t say!
There are thousands of dissenting scientists throughout the world, but their data and comments are never published. That makes it a genuine conspiracy, one that some of us have discovered for ourselves. The reason why raw data are not given is that they will show deliberate manipulation by bad scientists. This untested raw information is written to deceive, and is passed on to the IPCC, who are complicit in the fraud at every stage.
Lawson goes on to say:
“… what is clear is that the integrity of the scientific evidence on which not merely the British government, but other countries, too, through the (IPCC), claim to base far-reaching and hugely expensive policy decisions, has been called into question. And the reputation of British science has been seriously tarnished. A high-level independent inquiry must be set up without delay.”
I have said all this elsewhere. From what I have seen, the frauds in all branches of science have been many. That this observation has gone unnoticed by top-ranking scientists is inconceivable! It just isn’t possible! But, what is probable, is that top pro-warming scientists, not wishing to lose their ranking, are manipulating facts and figures, rather than face the truth, that what they are teaching is wrong.
If you think science is always ‘sweetness and light’ and always tells the truth, then think again. In the past 40 years I have come across multiple stark and disturbing fakes projected by renowned scientists. And, as I have commented before, one of the biggest of these is evolution. Darwinist scientists use exactly the same propaganda methods as are used by greenies. The reasons behind this are the same, too – they have nothing worthwhile to say and cover it with lies, deception, and scorning of the opposition. There is no science behind evolution, just plenty of wishes that it were true… just like greeny pseudo-science
If scientific findings are true, then let them be commented on properly. To deny them public airing is proof of fakery and a fear of findings being falsified… without a process of falsification any scientific claim can be justly ignored or held in suspicion! I will accept any genuine finding if it arises from the observable facts. But, I refuse to accept anything I cannot check, or that is disallowed by others, or is not feasible. I have seen too many propaganda exercises to let these fakes control my thinking!
Phil JonesProf Jones is one of the main culprits in this charade. He gets a cool (sorry – warm) £25 million for his pro-warming ‘work’. Yet, he and others like him, attack sceptical scientists like Richard Lindzen for appearing as an expert witness on behalf of an oil company for only $10,000!! This hypocrisy goes on all the time amongst pro-warmists, but no-one picks up on it… because they don’t want to.
Some of the emails sent or received by Jones show that authors of reports “cooperated covertly to ensure that only papers favourable to CO2-forced AGW were published, and that editors and journals publishing contrary papers were punished. They also attempted to ‘discipline’ scientists and journalists who published sceptical information.” I know the latter is true, because it happens to me! Fortunately, I am not funded by government, but if I were still employed in a college I know I would have been dismissed long ago.
Prior WarningWhen I began to speak out against global warming/climate change/CO2 nonsense, I did so in what seemed to be an innocuous way, by writing about it in hotel industry publications. Whilst the publications accepted the material, the reaction from pro-warmists was severe, so I had to stop writing about it. The critics wanted editors to reject my work, and even to publish retractions! But, not one of the critics provided anything to question what I said.
In this way vast conglomerates are making huge amounts of money on the back of a myth. My warning to them was simple – by all means increase your income through public ignorance, but, ultimately, you will all be responsible for perpetuating a damning lie, and this, in the end, will turn against you. Who listens? Not the ones making money! I was criticised for writing about things that “have nothing to do with hotels and travel” I was astounded. Hotels, airlines, resorts, are all adding ‘green’ taxes to their costs, and passing them on to customers; they are blackmailing suppliers into applying for mythical green certificates, or they will be struck off their lists; carbon offsetting is now part of airline and hotel agendas… nothing to do with them? Please, be sensible. But, the same lack of common sense is now found everywhere.
Of course, others have also been issuing warnings for some time, and they are mostly respected scientists. It is not just that the science is fraudulent: it is that governments are using the fakery to impose their power on the people and cripple their countries’ financial viability, as well as to destroy any standard of living obtained by hard work. Even greenies will come to realise their folly when they can no longer afford to live!
In one email, Jones says that everything he and others say about warming et al is just “gut feeling, no science”. Well, it’s comforting to know that mass socialism and all its freakish demands and public destruction are based on gut feelings, but are being touted as ‘scientific’! (Note that Marx also claimed his socialistic system was ‘scientific’).
The Wall Street Journal writes that correspondence between dozens of climate-change researchers shows bitter disagreements that climate or warming is affected by humans. They also complain that scientists with clout are excluding any papers critical of their warmist position from publication.
One climate scientist, Pat Michaels of the Cato Institute, is ‘bad mouthed’ in some of the emails. He comments that
“This is what everyone feared. Over the years, it has become increasingly difficult for anyone who does not view global warming as an end-of-the-world issue to publish papers. This isn’t questionable practice; this is unethical.”
When I completed my first paper, in 1985, after three years of research, proving that homosexuality was solely responsible for what was to become known as AIDS, I was quickly attacked and forced out of my job, I received death threats from activists if I continued to speak out, publications about the findings were ‘removed’ from official sources, the Department of Health suddenly stopped giving me raw data, and, behind my back, activists colluded with college principles to ban me from ever obtaining academic work again.
After a long period of diminishing lecturing jobs, I discovered this by chance in the year 1990, five years later, when a prospective employer showed me a letter he had received in response to a request for a reference! Exactly the same thing happened again in the year 2005… only this time I have not recovered and the attack delivered a final blow that stops me finding work. And they got away with it. Of course, those who dislike what I have to say are delighted, but they don’t seem to understand that the same system that got rid of me is likely to also get rid of them, for other reasons.
So I know all about collusion by frauds and what they are capable of. Rather than let findings be assessed properly, they just silenced me. Thus, I agree with the shock felt by Michaels. The trouble is, this kind of scientific fraud is rife throughout all the sciences, both physical and social.
A Plain Admission of GuiltOn November 20th, the director of East Anglia University CRU, Phil Jones, openly admitted that the material found by hackers was genuine:
“The director of Britain’s leading Climate Research Unit, Phil Jones, has told investigative magazine’s TGIF Edition tonight: ‘It was a hijacker. We were aware of this about three or four days ago, that someone had hacked into our system and taken and copied loads of data files and emails’.”
This is an open admission by Jones, who thus admits fully that his system was hacked and that what was contained in the ‘leaked’ material was true! He did not attempt to deny what the contents of 1072 emails and 72 documents were about. Andrew Bolt says of this fact that is was “a scandal involving most of the most prominent scientists pushing the man-made warming theory – a scandal that is one of the greatest in modern science.”
If you want details of the email contents go to the Herald Sun (Australia) website, dated Friday 20th November, ‘Warmist Conspiracy Exposed?’ Do it before the sources are blocked.
Since this bombshell was given out by whoever the hacker is, the news has spread like wildfire around the world, but mainly through websites and blogs. As some have said, the internet is currently the only medium free of censorship. This is why Obama is adamant about putting a stop to its freedom of information. And it is why Jones has, apparently, managed to silence some internet sources who allow information about his frauds to circulate.
A blogger who downloaded all the hacked files saw one email by IPCC lead-author, Kevin Trenberth. The subject was how to explain away the past ten years of global cooling when the ‘experts’ all chorused there was global warming, even to the point of making such absurd comments as “The cooling is caused by global warming!” Even an idiot can see through that one, yet, against all odds, it has maintained its absurd hold.
The email, issued just last month, was sent to a number of scientists, including the infamous Michael Mann. The file number of the email is 1255553034. It was sent by ‘Tom’ to ‘Gavin’ and said “I just think that you need to be upfront with uncertainties and the possibility of compensating errors.” Gavin Schmidt replied, basically, that the models used did not match the actual data… because they were not capable of doing so. Michael Mann admitted that the findings used by Schmidt were capable of deception.
This was confirmed by another response to the email, this time by Tom Wigley, who bluntly said “The figure you sent is very deceptive.” He also said (in response to something sent to him by Michael Mann): “there have been a number of dishonest presentations of model results by individual authors and the IPCC.”
And so the emails go on and on, the scientists themselves dropping themselves deeper in the mire of their own falsehoods.
Put ‘Em in Jail!Lubos Motl Pilsen of the Czech Republic hints that maybe the supposed Russian ‘hacker’ was not a hacker at all, but an internal whistleblower. This would not surprise me; there are still some honest folks around, even in science. If you want a large number of files from this source, go to for Friday November 20th.
In the Blogspot the files were ‘confirmed to be genuine’ as I have already shown above. I agree that to write a huge amount of material pretending to be real is not really an answer – not for 156 MB of information. But, greenies will latch on to any old rubbish to keep their public face.
One document highlighted by Otis is ‘TheRulesOfTheGame.pdf’. This is a centralised bit of pro-warming propaganda used by our scheming friends. It lists 20 ways to discredit opposers of warming. One correspondent asked me if there was some kind of agenda to discredit people like me and other anti-warmists. Well there are many, but this one is used by Jones and his wondrous scientific frauds.
Steve McIntyre, who received and sent some of the alleged emails agrees that all those attributed to him are genuine. The emails contain evidence that some scientists even advocate tax evasion so as to rake in huge amounts of funding for their ‘work’ and to keep the deception going.
Jones’ DeceptionsI have spoken before about the inadvisability of mixing actual and proxy temperature measurements, because only ‘like-with-like’ measurements (or any other data) are viable and legitimate. Some of the proxy measurements include tree rings and satellite data. In particular tree rings of one tree were preferred over those of a larger section of rings from a tree that did not manage to support the pro-warming findings! There are a number of problems with using satellite measurements, too – such as each full sweep of the earth is accompanied by a degeneration in the satellite’s orbital height! There are other problems.
Anyway, Jones sent an email (Nov 1999) to Mann et al, saying:
“Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later today or first thing tomorrow. I’ve just completed Mike’s (Ed. Michael Mann) trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years… and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline…”
Another tree-ring scientist, Gary Funkhouser, in an email to ‘Keith’, thought it was funny how he managed to deceive by fiddling data: “I pulled every trick out of my sleeve trying to milk something out of that” and “I don’t think it would be productive to try and juggle the chronology statistics any more than I already have.”
Phil Jones, in another email, admits that money drives his agenda. He said:
“If anything, I would like to see the climate change happen, so the science could be proved right, regardless of the consequences. This isn’t being political, it is being selfish.”
Well, regardless of the consequences, and whether a hacker or insider revealed all, Jones must now face the consequences. And I sincerely hope he does. He is costing the world trillions in useless financing, and global damage to peoples and politics. Which is why one scientist demands that he be jailed! Well it is fraud, and he is raking in huge sums of funding for himself and his department, a lot of it from government.
Greenies have tried to discredit warming deniers for years, saying they are being paid by oil companies. Yet, the emails prove that it is the pro-warmers who are being paid… by Esso, via what is nicely called ”constructive dialogue”. Or, as accountants would put it: “Cooking the books”.
The evidences pile up like bodies on a battle-field. Look at them for yourselves. If the world doesn’t pick this one up and run hard with it, demanding a stop to all pro-greenie policies and laws, and stopping funding to these frauds, then they deserve everything they get!
Do not be surprised now if Jones announces that ‘someone’ has destroyed all his files! The idea has already been mooted, and Jones is, by now, desperate for some kind of good news to stop him becoming the crying clown of the science world. We must not let him get away with it. Nor all the others who play around so joyfully with funding and false claims.
They must now know what it is like to be mown down by the intellectual dump truck! They have been marginalizing and humiliating genuine scientists for years. Now it is payback time… I hope. If there is no payback, everything will soon return to normal, believe me. That is what people are like. And it is what frauds are very good at – wriggling out of their mess and creating a brand new scenario. Don’t let them do it. If everyone who reads this article writes to their Congressman or other government leaders, and to the media, we might get somewhere. Life won’t be worth living if you don’t.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Whitewashing the Obama education speech guides
By Michelle Malkin • September 2, 2009 08:40 PM
Well, well, well.
The White House has re-written its activist talking points for teachers/administrators disseminated by the US Department of Education and removed the language about “helping the president.”
Whitewashing: It’s the Obama way.
What they can’t whitewash is the radicalism of many of the White House Teaching Fellows responsible for drafting the material — or the radicalism of the educational mentors with whom Obama served, starting with Chicago Annenberg Challenge/Woods Fund/neighbor Bill “education is the motor-force of revolution” Ayers.
You can take Obama out of Chicago. But you can’t take the Chicago out of Obama.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
democrats, death panels, and health care by Anne Coulter
"With the Democrats getting slaughtered -- or should I say, 'receiving mandatory end-of-life counseling' -- in the debate over national health care, the Obama administration has decided to change the subject by indicting CIA interrogators for talking tough to three of the world's leading Muslim terrorists. Had I been asked, I would have advised them against reinforcing the idea that Democrats are hysterical bed-wetters who can't be trusted with national defense while also reminding people of the one thing everyone still admires about President George W. Bush. But I guess the Democrats really want to change the subject. Thus, here is Part 2 in our series of liberal lies about national health care. There will be no rationing under national health care. Anyone who says that is a liar. And all Democrats are saying it. (Hey, look -- I have two-thirds of a syllogism!) Apparently, promising to cut costs by having a panel of Washington bureaucrats (for short, 'The Death Panel') deny medical treatment wasn't a popular idea with most Americans. So liberals started claiming that they are going to cover an additional 47 million uninsured Americans and cut costs ... without ever denying a single medical treatment! Also on the agenda is a delicious all-you-can-eat chocolate cake that will actually help you lose weight! ... These are Trojan Horse bills. Of course, they don't include the words 'abortion,' 'death panels' or 'three-year waits for hip-replacement surgery.' That proves nothing -- the bills set up unaccountable, unelected federal commissions to fill in the horrible details. Notably, the Democrats rejected an amendment to the bill that would specifically deny coverage for abortions. After the bill is passed, the Federal Health Commission will find that abortion is covered, pro-lifers will sue, and a court will say it's within the regulatory authority of the health commission to require coverage for abortions. Then we'll watch a parade of senators and congressmen indignantly announcing, 'Well, I'm pro-life, and if I had had any idea this bill would cover abortions, I never would have voted for it!'No wonder Democrats want to remind us that they can't be trusted with foreign policy. They want us to forget that they can't be trusted with domestic policy."
pressure true opposition and shut down free airways
Obama's FCC Diversity Chief (Gestapo) Mark Lloyd is ready to lay down the law. He will scourer the airways of all dissent when the next crisis takes place; they will not waste it. Get ready America to lose your first Amendment right of free speech, get ready to live in a Dictatorship. Unless, unless of course you decide to stop it, to fight back. There's a 9/12 march on Washington DC taking place on, of course, September 12th. Be there if you can. If you cannot be there, then support in some way. But do something, dont just sit on your butt and expect everyone else to do all of the work. It is your freedom that is at stake, so get active, do things that you have never done before. No effort is too small. For every action there is an equal and opposite actions, or reaction, which ever it is, what I mean is that your effort will not go unnoticed. One thing that you can do, and what I'm going to do this week, is to write your Senators and your Representative and ask them if they know about these radicals in the Administration. Ask them if they think that it is OK that there is an advisor of the Presidents who is a self proclaimed Communist. Also tell then that this Communist has never rescinded his assertion that he is a Communist. Tell them that you are worried that the President is getting radical council from these radicals. Oh, I forgot to tell you the Communists name, it is Van Jones, and he's Obama's Green Jobs Czar.I think that the tide is turning on Obama and that we have a real chance of slowing, and possibly stopping this march towards Socialism that our country is on, but it will not happen unless every American who believes in freedom, individual responsibility, and our Constitution gets up and fight the good fight. As Edmund Burke said "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."jbranstetter04
Category: News & Politics
FCC Diversity Chief Mark Lloyd - "Pressure true opposition, the broadcasters" - Glenn Beck
Monday, August 31, 2009
Obama's Advisers Fighting for Revolution?
Obama's Advisers Fighting for Revolution?
September 1, 2009 - 0:03 ET
Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on FOX News Channel
The most transparent White House in the history of the world still hasn't answered the questions we asked last week. You know, tough questions like: "Why does the president have so many Marxists, socialists, radicals and self-proclaimed communists advising him?"
I'm still hopeful there is a simple explanation. Maybe President Obama just wasn't aware of their radical beliefs. After all, he sat in Reverend Wright's pews for 20 years and didn't catch on to the fact that Wright isn't too fond of America.
But here's The One Thing: This isn't an accident. Obama's radical advisers are there for a reason: They're fighting a revolution — just not the kind with the tri-cornered hats.
So don't expect the White House to apologize for hiring self-avowed communist green jobs "czar" Van Jones. If they did, Van might take offense to that — considering he named his son after a militant Marxist guerilla. Besides, why would the White House waste their time on this when liberal bloggers are doing their best to defend Van's good name and his Wikipedia page is suddenly and mysteriously being updated to call him a "champion of market-based solutions?"
You see, Van Jones can't possibly be a communist. Take it from former colleague Eva Paterson, who is president of the Equal Justice Society. Paterson admits that yes, for a while there Van was running around spouting 1960s rhetoric and romanticizing revolutionary icons (who hasn't?) But that was years ago, she said.
Well, I'm not a mathematician, but remember Van Jones' own description of his conversion to communism?
"In jail I met all these young radical people of color — I mean really radical, communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of. I spent the next 10 years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary'.... I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th, and then the verdicts came down on April 29th... by August, I was a communist."
That was in 1992 — plus 10 years — that's 2002 — way back in Bush's first term. But Eva, apparently the lone free-market warrior at the Equal Justice Society says she advised Van to: "Rethink his tactics" and to "work for change in wiser ways."
Note: Not denounce or rethink Communism — just change tactics.
Where's the "come to Jefferson" moment in this change? He doesn't have one. Here's about the only transformation he's ever talked about — from a 2005 interview: "I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends."
This guy is still a radical — just like Cass Sunstein and John Holdren and Carol Browner and Mark Lloyd.
Some might be uncomfortable calling these individuals "radical" or "revolutionary," but I'm not.
The best thing to do is ask America, are you comfortable with their viewpoints? Like this one: On Friday, Drudge had the story of the 55-page bill proposed by Senator Jay Rockefeller (S.773) that would allow the president to seize temporary control of private sector networks during a "cyber-security emergency."
The bill also proposed a "federal certification program" for "cyber-security professionals," certain computer systems and networks in the private sector would have to be operated by those with that license. And private networks deemed "critical" by the government "shall share" requested information with the federal government.
Ten years ago, I might have been stupid enough to go for this, but not after I watched the Bush administration grab far too much power. And now this administration trying to take control over seemingly everything. We already know how the president's chief of staff feels about "taking advantage of a crisis."
I'm not willing to go down that road and give them any more power.
This is not good Republicans vs. good Democrats — they respect the Constitution. They understand freedom of speech. It's the clowns in Washington.
You clamp down on my freedom of speech, who's next? Republicans, Democrats, Independents, it's time to stop spearing each other in the chest and realize there are enemies to our Constitution both foreign and domestic. And right now, those enemies are taking shape as greedy and power hungry politicians — aided by serious Marxist revolutionaries.
• Is Beck right? Click here and sound off
— Watch Glenn Beck weekdays at 5p & 2a ET on FOX News Channel
Jeb Bush Warns of Obama's Toxic Cocktail
Monday, August 31, 2009 2:34 PMBy: Edward Pentin
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Jeb Bush has issued a withering attack on the spending proposals of the Obama administration in front of a large crowd of Catholic activists in Italy, warning that the government’s policies will enlarge the role of the state at the expense of personal freedom.
He then suggested viable alternatives to the proposals, and gave as examples three faith and community-based initiatives he developed when he was governor of Florida from 1998 to 2006.
Addressing the gathering in Rimini on Aug. 28, hosted by the Catholic movement Communion and Liberation, the brother of former President George W. Bush warned that the past has shown that such government intervention doesn’t work, but rather leads to a lengthening of a recession and restrictions on individuals from pursuing their dreams.
“There is an inverse relationship between the size, scale, and scope of government and human freedom,” he said. “The bigger the government is, the less freedom individuals have to pursue their dreams, and the pursuit of those dreams is an integral part of our progress.”
Liberty and freedom, he went on, “create more creativity, innovation, and prosperity for more people than any government program ever created. Most, if not all, great advances in life occur by the creative genius of peoples unencumbered by the shackles of the state.”
He added that large government makes people less responsible and engaged about solving problems in their own communities, families, and societies. “People begin to believe that compassion is measured by how much government is expended to try and solve the problem, and we don’t achieve the desired result,” he explained. “In fact, it becomes harder and harder to solve the problems as families, and as individuals in community.”
Bush stressed that the Obama administration’s spending proposals exceed those of the Great Society and the New Deal, and then went on to list them: the $787 billion stimulus package(of which only 15 percent has been spent), the $1.2 trillion healthcare bill, plus hundreds of billions in planned spending for cap-and-trade.
“The debate that we’re having in the United States, and here as well, might be a little different if we actually had the money, but in fact we don’t have the cash,” he said. “Today the budget deficit is $1.8 trillion and the Obama administration expects it to grow to $9 trillion in the next eight years. That is a rosy prediction because it requires economic growth of 3 percent per year for the next nine years.”
Furthermore, Bush highlighted a “toxic cocktail” of government intervention in both financial services and the auto industry which, he predicted, will bring “conflicts with far-reaching implications” beyond just these two sectors of the economy. “Even without a recession and new spending, the cost of government will increase in the coming years,” he warned. “Without a return to limited government and without reform, the cost of these programs combined with the projected debt will sadly exceed our ability to pay without eliminating the funding for our defense, environment, education, and other social services.”
But he stressed there is an alternative: a focus on subsidiarity and the importance of the family. “An alternative approach recognizes that the family is the most important political organization ever created,” he said to loud applause. “Loving parents whose organizing principle is the love and betterment of their children at their own material expense is a powerful force for social progress. In fact, if wholesome family life were the norm in the U.S., a significant amount of the demands placed on government would evaporate.”
Stressing the importance of subsidiarity, he said it was not only an integral part of Catholic social teaching but also a foundational principle in the creation of the United States. “Wherever possible, government should empower individuals, families, and faith- and community-based organizations rather than craft them out with mind-numbing rules, regulations, and command and control policies.”
He then alluded to three programs he initiated in Florida to show the effectiveness of this approach: The first was a community-based childcare system that he said was a vast improvement on a state-run system and led to more adoptions into loving families, better trained foster parents, and fewer abandoned kids. The second was to set up a totally faith-based prison, run by volunteers of many faiths and which has a significantly lower re-offending rate compared to state-run prisons. The third was an award system, with financial incentives, given to schools that showed an improvement in results. Florida schools, he said, now have results that exceed the national average and “lower income students have made the greatest gains.”
Bush said that while he would like the debate to be a “little more civil and substantive.” he said he was “heartened” that a “very lively debate” was now taking place about the proper role of government in society. He said an “emerging coalition” is coming to the fore, one which is increasingly supporting the belief that “government cannot spend its way to our prosperity” and that “strong families and a robust civil society have been, and will be, at the core of our successes.”
How this new coalition emerges in the next few years, he said in closing, “will have much to say about who we are as a nation as we move forward in these exciting and perilous times.”
© 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
the indoctrination begins
Lesson Plans from the U. S. Department of Education
Below this fatuous letter I’m posting the lesson plans straight from Washington D. C. to the nation’s classrooms. These are prepared by 11 participants selected for inclusion in the Teaching Ambassadorship Fellowship Program. Your tax dollars at work.
Letter from Arne Duncan to site principals
Dear Principal:
In a recent interview with student reporter, Damon Weaver, President Obama announced that on September 8 — the first day of school for many children across America — he will deliver a national address directly to students on the importance of education. The President will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning. He will also call for a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, parents and educators to ensure that every child in every school receives the best education possible so they can compete in the global economy for good jobs and live rewarding and productive lives as American citizens.
Since taking office, the President has repeatedly focused on education, even as the country faces two wars, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and major challenges on issues like energy and health care. The President believes that education is a critical part of building a new foundation for the American economy. Educated people are more active civically [sic] and better informed on issues affecting their lives, their families and their futures. Issues like living wage, health care, increasing militarism? torture?
This is the first time an American president has spoken directly to the nation’s school children about persisting and succeeding in school. We encourage you to use this historic moment to help your students get focused and begin the school year strong. I encourage you, your teachers, and students to join me in watching the President deliver this address on Tuesday, September 8, 2009. It will be broadcast live on the White House website at 1:00 p.m. eastern standard time.
In advance of this address, we would like to share the following resources: a menu of classroom activities for students in grades preK-6 and for students in grades 7-12 These are ideas developed by and for teachers to help engage students and stimulate discussion on the importance of education in their lives. We are also staging a student video contest on education. Details of the video contest will be available on our website in the coming weeks.
On behalf of all Americans, I want to thank our educators who do society’s most important work by preparing our children for work and for life. No other task is more critical to our economic future and our social progress. I look forward to working with you in the months and years ahead to continue improving the quality of public education we provide all of our children.
Arne Duncan
Ohanian Comment: I am trying to restrain myself from commenting on how boilerplate all these “activities” from the Ambassadors are. Admittedly, for many schools the activities would be a welcome change from the scripts. And how many schools in “those” neighborhoods will feel they can afford to be “off script” for this long–having discussions, making posters, writing poems?
Get real, Duncan.
Just keep in mind the horrible hypocrisy of all this. At the same time Duncan is sending out these flowery suggestions for classroom activities, he’s promoting changes in NCLB: According to an Associated Press story of Aug. 26, 2009, Under the new rules, states are to award the money to districts that take one of these approaches:
Close and reopen failing schools with new teachers and principals
Close and reopen failing schools under management of a charter school company or similar group
So how many schools in districts of desperate poverty are going to provide time for students to write poetry and make posters about their goals in life?
PreK-6 Menu of Classroom Activities: President Obama’s Address to Students Across AmericaProduced by Teaching Ambassador Fellows, U.S. Department of EducationSeptember 8, 2009
Before the Speech:
• Teachers can build background knowledge about the President of the United States and his speech by reading books about presidents and Barack Obama and motivate students by asking the following questions:Who is the President of the United States?What do you think it takes to be President?To whom do you think the President is going to be speaking?Why do you think he wants to speak to you?What do you think he will say to you?
• Teachers can ask students to imagine being the President delivering a speech to all of the students in the United States. What would you tell students? What can students do to help in our schools? Teachers can chart ideas about what they would say.
• Why is it important that we listen to the President and other elected officials, like the mayor, senators, members of congress, or the governor? Why is what they say important?
During the Speech:• As the President speaks, teachers can ask students to write down key ideas or phrases that are important or personally meaningful. Students could use a note-taking graphic organizer such as a Cluster Web, or students could record their thoughts on sticky notes. Younger children can draw pictures and write as appropriate. As students listen to the speech, they could think about the following:What is the President trying to tell me?What is the President asking me to do?What new ideas and actions is the President challenging me to think about?
• Students can record important parts of the speech where the President is asking them to do something. Students might think about: What specific job is he asking me to do? Is he asking anything of anyone else? Teachers? Principals? Parents? The American people?
• Students can record any questions they have while he is speaking and then discuss them after the speech. Younger children may need to dictate their questions.
After the Speech:• Teachers could ask students to share the ideas they recorded, exchange sticky notes or stick notes on a butcher paper poster in the classroom to discuss main ideas from the speech, i.e. citizenship, personal responsibility, civic duty.
• Students could discuss their responses to the following questions:What do you think the President wants us to do?Does the speech make you want to do anything?Are we able to do what President Obama is asking of us?What would you like to tell the President?
• Teachers could encourage students to participate in the Department of Education’s “I Am What I Learn” video contest. On September 8th the Department will invite K-12 students to submit a video no longer than 2 min, explaining why education is important and how their education will help them achieve their dreams. Teachers are welcome to incorporate the same or a similar video project into an assignment. More details will be released via
Extension of the Speech: Teachers can extend learning by having students
• Create posters of their goals. Posters could be formatted in quadrants or puzzle pieces or trails marked with the labels: personal, academic, community, country. Each area could be labeled with three steps for achieving goals in those areas. It might make sense to focus on personal and academic so community and country goals come more readily.
• Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals.
• Write goals on colored index cards or precut designs to post around the classroom.
• Interview and share about their goals with one another to create a supportive community.
• Participate in School wide incentive programs or contests for students who achieve their goals.
• Write about their goals in a variety of genres, i.e. poems, songs, personal essays.
• Create artistic projects based on the themes of their goals.
• Graph student progress toward goals.
Grades 7-12 Menu of Classroom Activities: President Obama’s Address to Students Across AmericaProduced by Teaching Ambassador Fellows, U.S. Department of EducationSeptember 8, 2009
Before the Speech:• Quick Write or Think/Pair/Share (Students spend a few minutes Thinking and writing about the question: Paired with another student to discuss, then Sharing their ideas with the class as a whole). What do we associate with the words responsibility, persistence, and goals? How would we define each term? A teacher might create a web of student ideas for each of the words.
• Quick Write or Brainstorm: What are your strengths? At what are you successful as a person/student? What makes you successful at these efforts? List at least three things you are successful at and why you feel successful with these tasks.
• Short readings. Notable quotes excerpted (and posted in large print on board) from President Obama’s speeches about education. Teacher might ask students to think alone, compare ideas with a partner, and share their collaborations with the class (Think/Pair/Share) about the following: What are our interpretations of these excerpts? Based on these excerpts, what can we infer the President believes is important to be successful educationally?
• Brainstorm or Concept Web: Why does President Obama want to speak with us today? How will he inspire us? How will he challenge us? What might he say?
• Brainstorm or Concept Web: What other historic moments do you remember when the President spoke to the nation? What was the impact? Students could create a Cause/Effect graphic organizer.
During the Speech:• Listening with a purpose: personal responsibility, goals, persistence. Teachers might ask pairs of students to create a word bank from the web of any one of the terms (personal responsibility, goals, or persistence) at the top of a double-column style notes page. On the right-hand side, students could take notes while President Obama talks about personal responsibility, or goals, or persistence, trying to capture direct quotations. At the end of the speech, students could then write the corresponding terms from the word bank in the left hand column, to increase retention and deepen their understanding of an important aspect of the speech.
• Listening with a purpose: Inspiration and Challenges. Using a similar double-column style notes page as the one above, the teacher could focus students on quotations that either propose a specific challenge to them or inspire them in some meaningful way. Students could do this individually, in pairs or groups.
Transition/Quick Review: Teachers could ask students to look over the notes and collaborate in pairs or small groups. What more could we add to our notes? Teachers might circulate and ask students questions such as: What are the most important words in the speech? What title would you give it? What’s the thesis?
After the Speech:Guided Discussion:• What resonated with you from President Obama’s speech? What lines/phrases do you remember?
• Who is President Obama addressing? How do you know? Describe his audience.
• We heard President Obama mention the importance of personal responsibility. In your life, who exemplifies this kind of personal responsibility? How? Give examples.
• How are we as individuals and as a class similar? Different?
• Suppose President Obama were to give another speech about being educationally successful. Who could he speak to next? Who should be his next audience? Why? What would he say?
• What are the three most important words in the speech? Rank them. What title would you give this speech? What’s the thesis?
• What is President Obama inspiring you to do? What is he challenging you to do?
• What do you believe are the challenges of your generation?
• How can you be a part of addressing these challenges?
Video Project:• Teachers could encourage students to participate in the Department of Education’s “I Am What I Learn” video contest. On September 8th the Department will invite K-12 students to submit a video no longer than 2 min, explaining why education is important and how their education will help them achieve their dreams. Teachers are welcome to incorporate the same or a similar video project into an assignment. More details will be released via
Transition: Teachers could introduce goal setting in the following way to make the most of the extension activities.
“When you set a goal, you envision a target you are going to reach over time. Goals are best when they are Challenging, Attainable, and Needed (CAN). For example, a good goal might be “I want to boost my average grade by one letter grade this year so I can show colleges I’m prepared.” But, every good goal also needs steps that guide the way. These steps keep you on track toward achieving your goal. For example, my first step might be, to improve by a letter grade in all subjects for each report card. My second step: to complete 100% of my homework for all my classes the first week of school. My third step: to study an extra hour for all my tests each marking period. My fourth step: to attend tutoring or get an adult to help me whenever I don’t understand something. My last step might be the most important: to ask an adult in my life to check on me often, to make sure I’m reaching each of my steps. Your steps should add up to your goal. If they don’t, that’s okay; we fix them until they do add up!
Let’s hear another example of an academic goal for the year, and decide what steps would achieve that goal…
Now I want you to write your own personal academic goal for this year and steps you will take to achieve it. We can revise our steps each marking period to make sure we are on track.”
Extension of the Speech: Teachers can extend learning by having students
• Create decorated goals and steps on index card sized material. The index cards could be formatted as an inviting graphic organizer with a space for the goal at the top and several steps in the remaining space. Cards could be hung in the room to create classroom culture of goal setting, persistence and success, and for the purpose of periodic review. (See “Example Handouts”).
• Create posters of their goals. Posters could be formatted in quadrants or puzzle pieces or trails marked as steps. These could also be hung around the room, to be reviewed periodically and to create a classroom culture of goal setting and for the purpose of periodic review.
• Interview and share their goals with one another and the class, establishing community support for their goals.
• Create incentives or contests for achieving their personal goals.
• Write about their goals and steps in a variety of genres, i.e. poems, songs, personal essays.
• Create artistic representations of their goals and steps.
— Arne Duncan & Teaching Ambassador Fellows, U.S. Department of EducationLetter and activities for classroom use
Monday, August 17, 2009
massachusettes to cut aid to all austic children
What about this?"PART 3—TREATMENT OF SPECIAL NEEDS PLANSSec. 1176. Limitation on enrollment outside open enrollment period ofindividualsinto chronic care specialized MA plans for special needsindividuals.Sec. 1177. Extension of authority of special needs plans to restrictenrollment."Here is the content of the proposed bill, use the search box to find"special needs":
Why do they restrict special needs patients but not everyone else? Whyshould it be only special needs patients who have to wait until a designatedenrollment period??? Shouldn't the term "special needs" suggest that theopposite should be the case - like go to the head of the line if you've gotspecial needs and other people (the needless? what do you call "others"?)should have to await the enrollment period, since they have no special needsTHEY should have no problem waiting.
Am I reading this wrong somehow?On Mon, Aug 17, 2009
-Increased job mobility for disabled and other employees as they are no> > longer bound to their job as their only way of getting affordable health> > care>> Two more related advantages to a system of universal health care:>> An ability to retain health care during periods of unemployment (or> underemployment).>> Also, the ability to obtain coverage if one develops a health> problem during periods of unemployment.>> If those issues were to be directly addressed, then a person who> loses health care would be entitled to "re-join" a health care> program without penalty, provided that the loss of health care was> coincident with a loss of employment. Alternatively, health> insurance would be covered by unemployment for a predefined extended> time period.>> The above "health care during unemployment" issues are significant> to autistics because we are often in situations that would cause us> to lose health insurance coverage.
White House says it did send unwanted e-mails
By PHILIP ELLIOTT, Associated Press Writer Philip Elliott, Associated Press Writer – 57 mins ago
WASHINGTON – After insisting no one was receiving unsolicited e-mails from the White House, officials reversed their story Monday night and blamed outside political groups for the unwanted messages from the tech-savvy operation.
White House online director Macon Phillips said in a blog posting that independent groups — he didn't name them — had signed up their members to receive regular White House updates about Obama's projects, priorities and speeches.
The White House had consistently denied that anyone who hadn't sought the e-mails had received them.
"It has come to our attention that some people may have been subscribed to our e-mail lists without their knowledge — likely as a result of efforts by outside groups of all political stripes — and we regret any inconvenience caused by receiving an unexpected message," Phillips wrote.
"We're certainly not interested in anyone receiving e-mails from the White House who don't want them. That's one reason why we have never — and will never — add names from a commercial or political list to the White House list," he wrote.
The quasi-apology came hours after the top Republican on the House's oversight committee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., asked the White House about its ambitious e-mail plan, which included a message from top political adviser David Axelrod urging support for a health care overhaul.
Issa also asked White House counsel Greg Craig whether officials were collecting names of the president's critics.
"I am concerned about the possibility that political e-mail address lists are being used for official purposes," Issa wrote. "This, again, raises questions about this administration blurring the lines between political and official business."
Issa also wanted to know how, exactly, the White House was using a separate e-mail account designed to track what it called "fishy" claims about its proposed overhaul — an account that was disabled Monday afternoon.
The White House turned to its blog to respond broadly to its critics — without mentioning Issa by name.
"An ironic development is that the launch of an online program meant to provide facts about health insurance reform has itself become the target of fear-mongering and online rumors that are the tactics of choice for the defenders of the status quo," Phillips wrote.
Issa said he wants an answer on how the administration is archiving those e-mails and what protections would be put in place to prevent it from become an enemies list.
In what seemed to be a reply, Phillips indicated there was little chance for cooperation with Issa, a member of a minority political party without significant power.
"The White House takes online privacy very seriously. As our published privacy policy makes clear, we will not share personal information submitted through the site with anyone," he wrote.
Administration officials had been dismissive of complaints that people had received unsolicited e-mail messages or that the administration was compiling an enemies list as conservative Web sites and talk radio programs have alleged.
"The fear has been expressed that the White House was asking neighbors to inform on neighbors in a government-led data collection effort," said Issa, the ranking member on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
Weeks ago, White House officials asked the public to share critics' e-mails so they could fight back and correct the misconceptions. Because those e-mails are official correspondence with the White House, they must be preserved — unaltered — for decades and eventually released to the public through the National Archives.
pro muslim tv coming to your town?
Pro-Muslim TV - coming to your town? (
All I ever needed to know about islam, I learned on 9/11! Don't even talk to me about Gitmo!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
We've Figured him Out
We've Figured Him Out
Why is President Barack Obama in such a hurry to get his socialized medicine bill passed?
Because he and his cunning circle realize some basic truths:
The American people in their unimaginable kindness and trust voted for a pig in a poke in 2008. They wanted so much to believe Barack Obama was somehow better and different from other ultra-leftists that they simply took him on faith.They ignored his anti-white writings in his books. They ignored his quiet acceptance of hysterical anti-American diatribes by his minister, Jeremiah Wright.
They ignored his refusal to explain years at a time of his life as a student. They ignored his ultra-left record as a "community organizer," Illinois state legislator, and Senator.
The American people ignored his total zero of an academic record as a student and teacher, his complete lack of scholarship when he was being touted as a scholar.
Now, the American people are starting to wake up to the truth. Barack Obama is a super likeable super leftist, not a fan of this country, way, way too cozy with the terrorist leaders in the Middle East, way beyond naïveté, all the way into active destruction of our interests and our allies and our future.
The American people have already awakened to the truth that the stimulus bill -- a great idea in theory -- was really an immense bribe to Democrat interest groups, and in no way an effort to help all Americans.
Now, Americans are waking up to the truth that ObamaCare basically means that every time you are sick or injured, you will have a clerk from the Department of Motor Vehicles telling your doctor what he can and cannot do.
The American people already know that Mr. Obama's plan to lower health costs while expanding coverage and bureaucracy is a myth, a promise of something that never was and never will be -- a bureaucracy lowering costs in a free society. Either the costs go up or the free society goes away.
These are perilous times. Mrs. Hillary Clinton, our Secretary of State, has given Iran the go-ahead to have nuclear weapons, an unqualified betrayal of the nation. Now, we face a devastating loss of freedom at home in health care. It will be joined by controls on our lives to "protect us" from global warming, itself largely a fraud if believed to be caused by man.
Mr. Obama knows Americans are getting wise and will stop him if he delays at all in taking away our freedoms.
There is his urgency and our opportunity. Once freedom is lost, America is lost. Wake up, beloved America.Ben Stein is a writer, actor, economist, and lawyer living in Beverly Hills and Malibu. He writes "Ben Stein's Diary" for every issue of The American Spectator.
Obama Official Linked to Racially Charged Boycott of Glenn Beck
A racially charged activist group called “Color of Change” founded by Van Jones, a special advisor to the Obama Administration, is trying to silence popular radio and Fox News personality Glenn Beck by calling for a boycott of Beck’s TV advertisers. On July 28th, Beck made a comment on the Fox & Friends morning show about Obama’s reaction to the arrest of Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. During the discussion of “Professor-Gate,” Beck connected the President’s past association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright to Obama’s comment that Cambridge police officer, Sgt. James Crowley, acted stupidly. Though Beck acknowledged most of the Obama administration is in fact white, he concluded that the President’s world experience made him a “racist.” Now “Color of Change” has bullied at least five of Beck’s big advertisers -- SC Johnson, Progressive Insurance, Geico, Procter & Gamble and Nexus Lexis -- to pull their ads from Beck’s national cable program. Jones, the founder of “Color of Change,” was named Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality -- a key administrative post -- this past March.
Putting tax-payer dollars to dubious use, the not-for-profit organization has hired well-heeled Hollywood publicist Ken Sunshine to further instigate the boycott. Developing…
For a related story go to For the Hollywood connection to the Beck boycott, click here.
Monday, August 10, 2009
The ACLU: America's Taliban
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 10:24 AM
By: Pat Boone
It’s become starkly obvious that the elitist, leftist, and subversive organization with the ironic name of the American Civil Liberties Union has abandoned any pretense that it is committed to protecting the civil liberties of Americans.
I find evidence of its ideological desertion every day, in the newsletters I receive from Christian, humanitarian, charitable, or conservative political groups protesting the ACLU's active, aggressive, and increasingly unconstitutional opposition tactics.
Sometimes, those tactics approach outright persecution, as the organization is openly hell-bent on erasing liberties, and if possible, reinterpreting the Bill of Rights to squelch the long-cherished freedoms most Americans hold dear — giving dominance to cliques and minority groups the ACLU favors. Apparently, an elitist mind-set has hijacked this activist organization, a mind-set so far left that even socialism won’t satisfy them; they are determined to re-create America as a totally godless, hedonistic, amoral, Sodom-and-Gomorrah-like society in which there are no rules or majority-prescribed laws, except the ones the ACLU approves. Exactly like the Taliban in the Middle Eastern nations where it germinated (and in which it has wreaked mindless havoc), the ACLU is not content to “coexist.” It will not terminated its efforts until it has usurped and overturned the expressed will of the majority and gained absolute sway over the state and all its citizens.
If you think I'm exaggerating, just take a look at just a partial list of the things this viral group opposes — and another list of what it actually supports.
God bless America banners in school
Any kind of legalized school prayer
Christian home schooling
Parental consent laws
Our government’s post-9/11 security measures
Medical safety reporting of AIDS cases
Religious displays in public
Sobriety checkpoints and drug searches
Prison terms for most crimes
Any use of religious symbols, even for historical reasons
Abstinence before marriage
sex education
Abortion on demand up through birth
Adoption by homosexuals
Censorship of the Ten Commandments and the Bible
Free access to pornography for all, -
including Internet porn for children
Legalized drugs
Legalized prostitution
Freedom to desecrate the American flag
Extended protection under our Constitution for enemy soldiers
Mandatory comprehensive sex education, including detailed promotion of homosexuality and free condoms to students
Open homosexuality in the military
Violent and sexually explicit “entertainment” as protected speech
The “right” of an organization to help pedophiles learn how to seduce children, molest them sexually, and hide their activities from authorities.
I repeat: These lists are just partial. If you can think of other things that are antithetical to our Founding Fathers’ vision of a free, moral, independent republic, you probably will find cases in which the ACLU has jumped in to defend them. The “rights” of Nazis and skinhead bigots to march and assemble and pursue their warped agendas are early examples. But consider a few more recent cases, in which the ACLU: Filed a suit that led to a U.S. Defense Department order banning military units from sponsoring Boy Scout troops
Agreed to represent North American Man/Boy Love Association at no cost after two members were accused of raping and murdering a 10-year-old boy
Sued to bar dinnertime prayers at Virginia Military Institute
Asked a federal judge to overturn a state abstinence-only education program for schoolchildren Sued successfully to drive Boy Scouts out of a local park because Scouts do not permit homosexual leaders, then won $940,000 tax dollars for their attorney fees and court costs. Intimidated the L.A. County Board of Supervisors into removing a tiny symbol of a cross from the official county seal — and pledged to target all other government agencies with similar religious symbols in their seals, even when nobody had objected.
Worked against the president’s right to detain terrorists requested that officials at a New Orleans public school be “fined or jailed” for failing to stop prayer before a high school baseball game — claiming that prayer at school-related functions is “un-American and immoral.”
These, alarmingly, are just the tip of the iceberg. Like an American Taliban, the ACLU has moved on to support illegal immigration, flouting our laws. You would think lawyers would respect those laws, but not lawyers of the ACLU. Instead, as Judicial Watch reports, Los Angeles became the model about 30 years ago for local, county, and city governments throughout the country who followed the ACLU's misguided lead in seeking to protect illegal immigrants from capture and deportation. The L.A. police department instituted “Special Order 40,” a policy that prohibits LAPD officers from cooperating with federal immigration agents or even inquiring about the immigration status of individuals, including those they suspect are in the country illegally and may have engaged in criminal activity.
This special order turned L.A. and many other American cities into “sanctuary cities,” magnets for illegal immigrants and ballooning gang, drug, and lethal activity that inevitably resulted. Do you not see the stark comparison between the Taliban and the ACLU? Each seeks to disrupt the traditions and guidelines that identify and protect society — and to impose its own perverted will and ideology on a bewildered people. And the ACLU has gone the Taliban one better! It is getting the courts (other lawyers, not legislators) to award it millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to pay for its intimidation, litigation, and corruption.
You and I are funding its all-out assault on everything that’s precious to us. I expect that there have been, and currently are, altruistic and well-meaning young attorneys who think they’re defending liberties and helping the helpless. But I hope they’ll read this and honestly reassess the ACLU record. Meanwhile, our citizenry has to be aroused and informed. As we expect Iraqis and Afghans to resist their Taliban, so we have to confront ours aggressively.
The American Center for Law and Justice ( and Judicial Watch ( are taking it to the ACLU and facing it down. On our behalf, they are opposing our Taliban in municipalities across our nation and sometimes all the way to the Supreme Court. They are attacking bad legislation such “Special Order 40,” with prospects of regaining some respect for our immigration laws, and they’re on the front lines defending the Boy Scouts and our freedom of religion and morality. They need our support. Now is the time for all of us to come to the aid of our country. The ACLU is an American Taliban that cannot be allowed to take over our republic. © 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Friday, August 7, 2009
it's BEGUN!
get this info out. "authorized to use force"? against us RIGHT TO PROTEST REAL American Citizens? the tea party has begun!
Subject: SEIU Thugs Attack Man at Townhall MeetingWhere is the ACLU ...the NAACP? This was a violation of that man's civil rights. They beat him up for handing out "Don't Tread On Me" flags. Obama is sending out his thugs to intimidate us ...don't back down!!!Scroll to the bottom of this bulletin for video.From getliberty.orgDear Liberty Activist,Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today condemned the brutal beating of activist Kenneth Gladney in South St. Louis County, MO, at a town hall event sponsored by Congressman Russ Caranhan (D-MO) by SEIU members who Wilson said "appears to have been sent out purposely to intimidate the crowd and instigate violence."Wilson said that a Special Prosecutor would need to be called "to investigate the possibility of White House complicity in this union thuggery." The White House told representatives .. and senators "punch back twice as hard" against opposition to Barack Obama's government-run health care initiative, and "clearly some of their followers took the message to heart," Wilson said.According to Kenneth Gladney's attorney, David B. Brown, "Kenneth was attacked on the evening of August 6, 2009 at Rep. Russ Carnahan's town hall meeting in South St. Louis County. I was at the town hall meeting as well and witnessed the events leading up to the attack of Kenneth. Kenneth was approached by an SEIU representative as Kenneth was handing out 'Don't Tread on Me' flags to other conservatives."The statement continued, "The SEIU representative demanded to know why a black man was handing out these flags. The SEIU member used a racial slur against Kenneth, then punched him in the face. Kenneth fell to the ground. Another SEIU member yelled racial epithets at Kenneth as he kicked him in the head and back. Kenneth was also brutally attacked by one other male SEIU member and an unidentified woman."According to the statement, "The three men were clearly SEIU members, as they were wearing T-shirts with the SEIU logo.""This sort of thuggish political violence is what one would expect in Mussolini's Italy by the Black Shirts," said Wilson, adding that, "This is pure fascist aggression. The SEIU is sending out goon squads to beat people up who disagree with ObamaCare. Only a Special Prosecutor can determine if it was done with the knowledge of the White House and Congressman Carnahan."After watching the video, Wilson said, "The part where the attackers claimed they were attacked, when Mr. Gladney is clearly on his back, is straight out of the SEIU-ACORN playbook. They train their thugs well. Only, this time, they were caught."According to Brown's statement, Gladney was being civil when he was attacked: "Kenneth was beaten badly. One assailant fled on foot; three others were arrested. Kenneth was admitted to St. John's Mercy Medical Center emergency room, where he was treated for his numerous injuries. Kenneth was merely expressing his freedom of speech by handing out the flags. In fact, he merely asked people as they exited the town hall meeting whether they would like a flag."Brown insisted that Gladney "in no way provoked any argument or altercation, as evidenced by the fact that three assailants were arrested.""This is a sad chapter in American history," Wilson declared, "when a man is cruelly assaulted by political hooligans merely for expressing his beliefs and exercising his First Amendment rights to speak freely and peaceably assemble."Wilson said there was a causal relationship between the White House's call to "punch back" against opposition to Barack Obama's government-run health care initiative and the incident. "The White House sent out millions of emails, as did the DNC, and the SEIU, all calling on supporters to attend these meetings. And now we know why."The SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, was formed by Wade Rathke, also founder of the group, ACORN, which Barack Obama served as an attorney for. "These are the same people that helped get Barack Obama elected," Wilson explained."Barack Obama has long-time financial and material relationship with ACORN and SEIU. SEIU donated $30.8 million to Obama's campaign, organized volunteers, and campaigned on his behalf. ACORN is under investigation for crimes in 15 states, and Barack Obama served as their attorney at one point. He even gave them $800,000 in 2008 for ' . . get- . .out-the-vote' efforts. And now they're carrying out his dirty work," Wilson added.According to the Brown's statement, "This was a truly senseless hate crime carried out by racist union thugs. Regretfully, Representative Carnahan's statements blaming Kenneth for being a disruptive force are wholly untrue and slanderous."Carnahan today stated that "Sadly, we've seen stories about disrupters around the country, and we have a handful of them here in Missouri.""The only disruption that occurred was of Mr. Gladney's rights to life-and-limb as an American citizen," Wilson said in response, charging that, "Carnahan appears to have been complicit in the incident."Wilson also condemned press outlets for failing to report on Mr. Gladney's story. "Where is the controlled media?" Wilson asked. "Where is CNN? Where is Olbermann and Matthews? They rave about 'mobs' but turn a blind eye to a man who was beaten by union thugs. They should hang their heads in shame, or else apply for network anchor positions in Venezuela."Wilson said a Special Prosecutor to investigate the White House, SEIU, and Carnahan was necessary because "The American people have no faith in Eric Holder's Justice Department, which just let two goons off-the-hook who were intimidating voters in 2008 at a Philadelphia polling station with Billy clubs.""If anyone thinks there was no relationship between Obama's call to "punch back" and this brutality in the streets of St. Louis, we have some nice real estate that runs over the East River in New York we'd think they'd be interested in purchasing," Wilson concluded.Media outlets need to be alerted as to what is taking place here! This fascist political violence, and we need to get this story out as far and wide as possible. Here is a link to the story on ALG's website. Please send it to your local news editors, neighbors, and everybody who needs to know. Somebody needs to speak for Mr. Gladney. He needs our help.In today's Liberty Action Report, 31.85 million of the 47 million uninsured do not actually exist, town halls are closed to the public by invitation only, monetary manipulation will always occur in a fiat system, Victor Morawski reports on Obama's Orwellian Science Czar, and the Overnights shows health care still running strong. Plus, Congressional Quarterly reports on NRN's call-to-action against Obama's send your letters to me at Robert@ . . getliberty. We publish all points of view, even those who once supported Barack Obama! Today, for example, Jane Hedges writes:"I'm not in a mob. I voted for Obama. I am furious with his 'changing' America the way he is." Thank you, Jane. Sometimes, change can be quite destructive. Now you know.For Liberty,Robert RomanoALG Senior News Editorwww. .
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Islamic Saudi Academy Gets OK to Expand
FAIRFAX, Va. - Moments after supervisors approved the Islamic Saudi Academy expansion in Fairfax County, James Lafferty stormed out of the board room.
"We need to resist these people, make it clear they may have bought six votes in there but they are not buying my vote," said Lafferty. He wasn't the only one. Dozens of others followed.
"I find it shocking that six of them would vote for it-- I'm not sure who they are looking after," said an angry Kathleen Kelly.
The Islamic Saudi Academy has been surrounded in controversy for years. One of their graduates was implicated in a plot to kill the president.
"How they could overlook a graduate from the school doing that and say they are such fine students-- they are learning the wrong thing," says Ruth Mizell, who is against the expansion. Some were concerned about what the academy was teaching. the content is anti-American and violent. "They didn't feel the curriculum was something that was appropriate in a land use setting," said Attorney Lynn Strobel, who represents the school in the proceedings. "For example, we don't evaluate the curriculum of other schools. That comes before the board, such as the catholic school." And then there was the issue of traffic and congestion. Some argued the road for the proposed site was too small and dangerous. But in the end, the Board of Supervisors says this was only about land use, giving the school the green light to expand and leaving those in opposition seeing red. Lafferty says the decision won't be forgotten come election time. "We will support-- even if it's Pee-Wee Herman-- we will support whoever is running against them," Lafferty said. that council is all muslim themselves, what is america coming to!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Obama Concealment Of Birth Certificate: Tainting His Presidency?
Obama Concealment Of Birth Certificate: Tainting His Presidency?
The promise of a great new 'Change we can believe in' is daily becoming the great "Division we can barely live with.' Why has the President allowed the question of his birth place to be added to the burgeoning list of doubts America is already facing.
The President's stand on abortion and the newly discovered provisions found in the Health Care Bill for assisted suicide for the elderly indicate that the 'one' who promised to heal the divisions in the nation has not only ignored that campaign promise, but has sailed his ship way outside of that empty promise to create a class of entirely disposable citizens. Can we now add the group often being referred to as the 'birthers' to the ever growing list of disposable citizens? No healing here.
The question raised by the title of this article can be answered with a simple, yes but to be fair we should examine the plight of the birthers. (Those who are demanding to see the long form of President Obama's birth certificate) More importantly, why hasn't the President put a stop to it with a simple showing of the document?
Anyone who surfs the web has by now become at least nominally aware that a rapidly growing segment of America is quite dissatisfied with the vetting of the President. The question is largely centered on Barack Obama's refusal to release what is known as the long form of his Hawaiian birth certificate.
The birth record is only one of many documents that have raised suspicion about the President's past. It is ridiculously un-complicated because the commonality of every document in question is the same; they are still missing, or at least unseen by anyone except those who are reported to be holding them.
Perhaps there is nothing at all to the entire matter but until the documents can be seen no one will believe that. In a nation founded on laws, evidentiary procedure and documentation for almost all grievances and complaints, applications or identification, missing documents just won't do it.
I will not enter the fine details of all that has been done to procure the records but rather I will try to keep this perusal of the matter on a strictly philosophical basis. I know it is impossible to have a Will Rogers kind of trust in people, a Glenn Beck style of appeal to common sense, all at the same time we are saying that the laws of the constitution may have been breached by the person who holds the highest office in the land. This is a tightrope for anybody to walk.
Hawaii has just hit the news and said that they have not destroyed any paper documents just because they have gone into electronic record keeping. It would seem safe to say that the document still exists. What does not seem as safe is that anyone should ask to see it. Newsman Lou Dobbs recently underwent a scolding according to sources for his mention of the missing documents and others have had to endure ridicule and outright scorn for the mention of it.
Every day thousands more Americans are joining those who are now calling for the proof but the White House has danced around the issue, the President remains mysteriously silent and the birthers have had to endure the scoffing, belittlement and pooh-poohing of their efforts by everyone in the Obama sphere and some outside it...........
We are all quick to point out that Obama supporters hang on his every word like they were hypnotized but are reticent to openly disagree with conservative big boys like O'Reilly who has often said Obama, is very smart. What is smart about creating doubt in the hearts and minds of several million Americans?
Concealing the facts about a simple document comes under the heading of 'pinhead' not 'patriot.' Shouldn't someone be willing to tell Mr. O'Reilly that? We can all appreciate the stand O'Reilly has taken on many issues but even his word can't substitute for the constitution and its obvious requirements for the vetting of a Presidential candidate.
Thanks for the stand and the tee shirts but the matter of vetting cannot be dismissed by the waving of your hand at the end of a ninety second segment. Grassroots movements require years to gain adherents and strength and no one can wave them off in a second. I am no more of an expert than O'Reilly on the 'birthers' but I would bet the farm that they are in this for the long haul and will not be easily dismissed.
Struggling to find the truth must never be confused with mere partisanship or labeled as a conservative or liberal cause. It is several levels above simple politics and can never be settled in the endless debates of pundits and news figures. If we could refer the question to the founding fathers I'm sure they would concur that this is the reason they gave us the constitution to begin with. Calling the birthers some less than flattering names shows that we have missed the point entirely. It is the constitution that is primarily calling for the truth not the birthers.
Here is the rub. Those who say the document has been seen are wholly unwilling to admit that it not only has been alleged to be a fraud but it is by any standard, totally unusable as an instrument of identification and or verification. The reason it has been rendered useless has more to do with the means by which it was presented rather than the assertion that it is fraudulent.
It could not be used to get a passport, a job, a security clearance, a travel visa, a credit card, a bank account, or a tryout for the little league. What it can be used for is to get a direct and unhindered passage to the White House. Should we really be surprised by the doubt it has raised in the minds of millions of Americans? Please don't insult your own intelligence with a glib answer of yes.
The more important question is why is the birth certificate posted on the internet useless? Here is where vetting 101 helps us along with the basics. No document posted online can be used to vet anything or anyone; think about it!
When you go to help your child get their first drivers license or when you go to the interview for the much coveted job you trained for all too many years, or when you make your next application at the bank for a loan try this. Just tell them they can look up all the pertinent information on you on your website, on your Facebook or Twitter page or wherever it is posted on the World Wide Web. If you are not laughed at you will at least be shown the door.
The internet is still the one media that gets laughed at as it pertains to accuracy and reliability.
Here is the media that is home to a billion pages of filth, porn and general gobbledygook. The web is a long way from fully establishing its credulity as a news source but there is where our President chose to show the nation his papers. Yes, most reasonable people would tend to doubt this, how dare we label them 'birthers' and assign them to the fringe. Going from Snopes to a posted COLB and directly to the White House without passing go; that is what's fringy.
Most of us won't order a twenty dollar music CD from an internet website unless it has a major outlet like Amazon or EBay behind it with some kind of triple strength encryption on the check out page. But hey, want to be the President of the United States just post your birth certificate online and start spending the $600,000,000 in your campaign coffers to gain the White House. I am not trying to make it sound absurd, it doesn't need my help to sound that way.
The Presidents silence continues to drive a wedge between the rapidly growing number of Americans who want to see the certificate and those who just don't give a hoot. His credulity is suffering but no one seems to be advising him that if he continues to lose their trust it will undoubtedly show up hard against him in the 2012 election results. The million or two votes and growing cast against him for his indifference will be well earned and could be the difference between a second term and early retirement.
So what is the bottom line? Is it a court order to produce the document; is it a Senate or Congressional hearing to demand the papers? Can you snuff your nose at millions of Americans for four years and think it will all just go away like the fading of the morning glory at the rising of the sun? No one can say what series of complicated legal maneuvers will actually work to produce the big secret document but one thing is a foregone.
Before they were called 'birthers' they were called citizens. Until the constitution is completely discarded it is the citizens who have to choose and work with their president and it is the president who has to deal with the citizens. So deal with them Mr. Transparency!
The President has shown us that he has never met a minority that he doesn't like. He comes from the black minority and has shown special care to Latinos, immigrants and gays. Are the 'birthers' the one exception to the rule. Oddly they are the one with the simplest problem and it can be solved in a New York minute. What part of the simple request to see the document does the President not understand?
If he wants the whole matter to just go away he could obtain the document submit it to a few reliable news sources and put the entire matter to bed. Adding to his promise to become Mr. Transparency, Barack Obama has also earned the title of Mr. News Conference.
Why not shut the mouths of the naysayers with a single stroke, a single news conference and thereby perhaps pick up a few votes in the process. Holding up the highly disputed document for all to see and perhaps with a smile and a 'hey boys, look at this' would nip the entire matter in the bud. Birthers would go home silenced but happy and the confidence of several million Americans would be restored. All that remains after that is to see if the President invites people like Philip Berg, Mario Puzzo and Orly Taitz along with some of the most vociferous birthers to the White House for a beer.
But even if it takes until someone finally locates the documents for the inauguration of the new Obama Library the truth will one day be known. What will that legacy be? I said that I will keep the approach here on a purely philosophical level but I cannot leave the room without at least one small item lifted up from the theological level. If nothing should happen on the Obama birth certificate question until the very end of time there is one who will demand a look see; and he will get it.
Christ said, "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad." (Mt 4:22)