massachusettes to cut aid to ALL autistic children
What about this?"PART 3—TREATMENT OF SPECIAL NEEDS PLANSSec. 1176. Limitation on enrollment outside open enrollment period ofindividualsinto chronic care specialized MA plans for special needsindividuals.Sec. 1177. Extension of authority of special needs plans to restrictenrollment."Here is the content of the proposed bill, use the search box to find"special needs":
Why do they restrict special needs patients but not everyone else? Whyshould it be only special needs patients who have to wait until a designatedenrollment period??? Shouldn't the term "special needs" suggest that theopposite should be the case - like go to the head of the line if you've gotspecial needs and other people (the needless? what do you call "others"?)should have to await the enrollment period, since they have no special needsTHEY should have no problem waiting.
Am I reading this wrong somehow?On Mon, Aug 17, 2009
-Increased job mobility for disabled and other employees as they are no> > longer bound to their job as their only way of getting affordable health> > care>> Two more related advantages to a system of universal health care:>> An ability to retain health care during periods of unemployment (or> underemployment).>> Also, the ability to obtain coverage if one develops a health> problem during periods of unemployment.>> If those issues were to be directly addressed, then a person who> loses health care would be entitled to "re-join" a health care> program without penalty, provided that the loss of health care was> coincident with a loss of employment. Alternatively, health> insurance would be covered by unemployment for a predefined extended> time period.>> The above "health care during unemployment" issues are significant> to autistics because we are often in situations that would cause us> to lose health insurance coverage.
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