watching Hannity live at San Diego right now, guess who has emailed the demoncrats and told the town meeting mc's they are "authorized to use force" if there are any more outbursts from the "planted dissenters" at these meetings.
get this info out. "authorized to use force"? against us RIGHT TO PROTEST REAL American Citizens? the tea party has begun!
Subject: SEIU Thugs Attack Man at Townhall MeetingWhere is the ACLU ...the NAACP? This was a violation of that man's civil rights. They beat him up for handing out "Don't Tread On Me" flags. Obama is sending out his thugs to intimidate us ...don't back down!!!Scroll to the bottom of this bulletin for video.From getliberty.orgDear Liberty Activist,Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today condemned the brutal beating of activist Kenneth Gladney in South St. Louis County, MO, at a town hall event sponsored by Congressman Russ Caranhan (D-MO) by SEIU members who Wilson said "appears to have been sent out purposely to intimidate the crowd and instigate violence."Wilson said that a Special Prosecutor would need to be called "to investigate the possibility of White House complicity in this union thuggery." The White House told representatives .. and senators "punch back twice as hard" against opposition to Barack Obama's government-run health care initiative, and "clearly some of their followers took the message to heart," Wilson said.According to Kenneth Gladney's attorney, David B. Brown, "Kenneth was attacked on the evening of August 6, 2009 at Rep. Russ Carnahan's town hall meeting in South St. Louis County. I was at the town hall meeting as well and witnessed the events leading up to the attack of Kenneth. Kenneth was approached by an SEIU representative as Kenneth was handing out 'Don't Tread on Me' flags to other conservatives."The statement continued, "The SEIU representative demanded to know why a black man was handing out these flags. The SEIU member used a racial slur against Kenneth, then punched him in the face. Kenneth fell to the ground. Another SEIU member yelled racial epithets at Kenneth as he kicked him in the head and back. Kenneth was also brutally attacked by one other male SEIU member and an unidentified woman."According to the statement, "The three men were clearly SEIU members, as they were wearing T-shirts with the SEIU logo.""This sort of thuggish political violence is what one would expect in Mussolini's Italy by the Black Shirts," said Wilson, adding that, "This is pure fascist aggression. The SEIU is sending out goon squads to beat people up who disagree with ObamaCare. Only a Special Prosecutor can determine if it was done with the knowledge of the White House and Congressman Carnahan."After watching the video, Wilson said, "The part where the attackers claimed they were attacked, when Mr. Gladney is clearly on his back, is straight out of the SEIU-ACORN playbook. They train their thugs well. Only, this time, they were caught."According to Brown's statement, Gladney was being civil when he was attacked: "Kenneth was beaten badly. One assailant fled on foot; three others were arrested. Kenneth was admitted to St. John's Mercy Medical Center emergency room, where he was treated for his numerous injuries. Kenneth was merely expressing his freedom of speech by handing out the flags. In fact, he merely asked people as they exited the town hall meeting whether they would like a flag."Brown insisted that Gladney "in no way provoked any argument or altercation, as evidenced by the fact that three assailants were arrested.""This is a sad chapter in American history," Wilson declared, "when a man is cruelly assaulted by political hooligans merely for expressing his beliefs and exercising his First Amendment rights to speak freely and peaceably assemble."Wilson said there was a causal relationship between the White House's call to "punch back" against opposition to Barack Obama's government-run health care initiative and the incident. "The White House sent out millions of emails, as did the DNC, and the SEIU, all calling on supporters to attend these meetings. And now we know why."The SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, was formed by Wade Rathke, also founder of the group, ACORN, which Barack Obama served as an attorney for. "These are the same people that helped get Barack Obama elected," Wilson explained."Barack Obama has long-time financial and material relationship with ACORN and SEIU. SEIU donated $30.8 million to Obama's campaign, organized volunteers, and campaigned on his behalf. ACORN is under investigation for crimes in 15 states, and Barack Obama served as their attorney at one point. He even gave them $800,000 in 2008 for ' . . get- . .out-the-vote' efforts. And now they're carrying out his dirty work," Wilson added.According to the Brown's statement, "This was a truly senseless hate crime carried out by racist union thugs. Regretfully, Representative Carnahan's statements blaming Kenneth for being a disruptive force are wholly untrue and slanderous."Carnahan today stated that "Sadly, we've seen stories about disrupters around the country, and we have a handful of them here in Missouri.""The only disruption that occurred was of Mr. Gladney's rights to life-and-limb as an American citizen," Wilson said in response, charging that, "Carnahan appears to have been complicit in the incident."Wilson also condemned press outlets for failing to report on Mr. Gladney's story. "Where is the controlled media?" Wilson asked. "Where is CNN? Where is Olbermann and Matthews? They rave about 'mobs' but turn a blind eye to a man who was beaten by union thugs. They should hang their heads in shame, or else apply for network anchor positions in Venezuela."Wilson said a Special Prosecutor to investigate the White House, SEIU, and Carnahan was necessary because "The American people have no faith in Eric Holder's Justice Department, which just let two goons off-the-hook who were intimidating voters in 2008 at a Philadelphia polling station with Billy clubs.""If anyone thinks there was no relationship between Obama's call to "punch back" and this brutality in the streets of St. Louis, we have some nice real estate that runs over the East River in New York we'd think they'd be interested in purchasing," Wilson concluded.Media outlets need to be alerted as to what is taking place here! This fascist political violence, and we need to get this story out as far and wide as possible. Here is a link to the story on ALG's website. Please send it to your local news editors, neighbors, and everybody who needs to know. Somebody needs to speak for Mr. Gladney. He needs our help.In today's Liberty Action Report, 31.85 million of the 47 million uninsured do not actually exist, town halls are closed to the public by invitation only, monetary manipulation will always occur in a fiat system, Victor Morawski reports on Obama's Orwellian Science Czar, and the Overnights shows health care still running strong. Plus, Congressional Quarterly reports on NRN's call-to-action against Obama's send your letters to me at Robert@ . . getliberty. We publish all points of view, even those who once supported Barack Obama! Today, for example, Jane Hedges writes:"I'm not in a mob. I voted for Obama. I am furious with his 'changing' America the way he is." Thank you, Jane. Sometimes, change can be quite destructive. Now you know.For Liberty,Robert RomanoALG Senior News Editorwww. .
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Islamic Saudi Academy Gets OK to Expand
insurgents in our own local governments now terrorists are being educated to strike at us with our own tax dollars shock right here in America, remember those guys that got away with taking plane lessons? here come hundreds more of little ones just like that.
FAIRFAX, Va. - Moments after supervisors approved the Islamic Saudi Academy expansion in Fairfax County, James Lafferty stormed out of the board room.
"We need to resist these people, make it clear they may have bought six votes in there but they are not buying my vote," said Lafferty. He wasn't the only one. Dozens of others followed.
"I find it shocking that six of them would vote for it-- I'm not sure who they are looking after," said an angry Kathleen Kelly.
The Islamic Saudi Academy has been surrounded in controversy for years. One of their graduates was implicated in a plot to kill the president.
"How they could overlook a graduate from the school doing that and say they are such fine students-- they are learning the wrong thing," says Ruth Mizell, who is against the expansion. Some were concerned about what the academy was teaching. the content is anti-American and violent. "They didn't feel the curriculum was something that was appropriate in a land use setting," said Attorney Lynn Strobel, who represents the school in the proceedings. "For example, we don't evaluate the curriculum of other schools. That comes before the board, such as the catholic school." And then there was the issue of traffic and congestion. Some argued the road for the proposed site was too small and dangerous. But in the end, the Board of Supervisors says this was only about land use, giving the school the green light to expand and leaving those in opposition seeing red. Lafferty says the decision won't be forgotten come election time. "We will support-- even if it's Pee-Wee Herman-- we will support whoever is running against them," Lafferty said. that council is all muslim themselves, what is america coming to!
FAIRFAX, Va. - Moments after supervisors approved the Islamic Saudi Academy expansion in Fairfax County, James Lafferty stormed out of the board room.
"We need to resist these people, make it clear they may have bought six votes in there but they are not buying my vote," said Lafferty. He wasn't the only one. Dozens of others followed.
"I find it shocking that six of them would vote for it-- I'm not sure who they are looking after," said an angry Kathleen Kelly.
The Islamic Saudi Academy has been surrounded in controversy for years. One of their graduates was implicated in a plot to kill the president.
"How they could overlook a graduate from the school doing that and say they are such fine students-- they are learning the wrong thing," says Ruth Mizell, who is against the expansion. Some were concerned about what the academy was teaching. the content is anti-American and violent. "They didn't feel the curriculum was something that was appropriate in a land use setting," said Attorney Lynn Strobel, who represents the school in the proceedings. "For example, we don't evaluate the curriculum of other schools. That comes before the board, such as the catholic school." And then there was the issue of traffic and congestion. Some argued the road for the proposed site was too small and dangerous. But in the end, the Board of Supervisors says this was only about land use, giving the school the green light to expand and leaving those in opposition seeing red. Lafferty says the decision won't be forgotten come election time. "We will support-- even if it's Pee-Wee Herman-- we will support whoever is running against them," Lafferty said. that council is all muslim themselves, what is america coming to!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Obama Concealment Of Birth Certificate: Tainting His Presidency?
Obama Concealment Of Birth Certificate: Tainting His Presidency?
The promise of a great new 'Change we can believe in' is daily becoming the great "Division we can barely live with.' Why has the President allowed the question of his birth place to be added to the burgeoning list of doubts America is already facing.
The President's stand on abortion and the newly discovered provisions found in the Health Care Bill for assisted suicide for the elderly indicate that the 'one' who promised to heal the divisions in the nation has not only ignored that campaign promise, but has sailed his ship way outside of that empty promise to create a class of entirely disposable citizens. Can we now add the group often being referred to as the 'birthers' to the ever growing list of disposable citizens? No healing here.
The question raised by the title of this article can be answered with a simple, yes but to be fair we should examine the plight of the birthers. (Those who are demanding to see the long form of President Obama's birth certificate) More importantly, why hasn't the President put a stop to it with a simple showing of the document?
Anyone who surfs the web has by now become at least nominally aware that a rapidly growing segment of America is quite dissatisfied with the vetting of the President. The question is largely centered on Barack Obama's refusal to release what is known as the long form of his Hawaiian birth certificate.
The birth record is only one of many documents that have raised suspicion about the President's past. It is ridiculously un-complicated because the commonality of every document in question is the same; they are still missing, or at least unseen by anyone except those who are reported to be holding them.
Perhaps there is nothing at all to the entire matter but until the documents can be seen no one will believe that. In a nation founded on laws, evidentiary procedure and documentation for almost all grievances and complaints, applications or identification, missing documents just won't do it.
I will not enter the fine details of all that has been done to procure the records but rather I will try to keep this perusal of the matter on a strictly philosophical basis. I know it is impossible to have a Will Rogers kind of trust in people, a Glenn Beck style of appeal to common sense, all at the same time we are saying that the laws of the constitution may have been breached by the person who holds the highest office in the land. This is a tightrope for anybody to walk.
Hawaii has just hit the news and said that they have not destroyed any paper documents just because they have gone into electronic record keeping. It would seem safe to say that the document still exists. What does not seem as safe is that anyone should ask to see it. Newsman Lou Dobbs recently underwent a scolding according to sources for his mention of the missing documents and others have had to endure ridicule and outright scorn for the mention of it.
Every day thousands more Americans are joining those who are now calling for the proof but the White House has danced around the issue, the President remains mysteriously silent and the birthers have had to endure the scoffing, belittlement and pooh-poohing of their efforts by everyone in the Obama sphere and some outside it...........
We are all quick to point out that Obama supporters hang on his every word like they were hypnotized but are reticent to openly disagree with conservative big boys like O'Reilly who has often said Obama, is very smart. What is smart about creating doubt in the hearts and minds of several million Americans?
Concealing the facts about a simple document comes under the heading of 'pinhead' not 'patriot.' Shouldn't someone be willing to tell Mr. O'Reilly that? We can all appreciate the stand O'Reilly has taken on many issues but even his word can't substitute for the constitution and its obvious requirements for the vetting of a Presidential candidate.
Thanks for the stand and the tee shirts but the matter of vetting cannot be dismissed by the waving of your hand at the end of a ninety second segment. Grassroots movements require years to gain adherents and strength and no one can wave them off in a second. I am no more of an expert than O'Reilly on the 'birthers' but I would bet the farm that they are in this for the long haul and will not be easily dismissed.
Struggling to find the truth must never be confused with mere partisanship or labeled as a conservative or liberal cause. It is several levels above simple politics and can never be settled in the endless debates of pundits and news figures. If we could refer the question to the founding fathers I'm sure they would concur that this is the reason they gave us the constitution to begin with. Calling the birthers some less than flattering names shows that we have missed the point entirely. It is the constitution that is primarily calling for the truth not the birthers.
Here is the rub. Those who say the document has been seen are wholly unwilling to admit that it not only has been alleged to be a fraud but it is by any standard, totally unusable as an instrument of identification and or verification. The reason it has been rendered useless has more to do with the means by which it was presented rather than the assertion that it is fraudulent.
It could not be used to get a passport, a job, a security clearance, a travel visa, a credit card, a bank account, or a tryout for the little league. What it can be used for is to get a direct and unhindered passage to the White House. Should we really be surprised by the doubt it has raised in the minds of millions of Americans? Please don't insult your own intelligence with a glib answer of yes.
The more important question is why is the birth certificate posted on the internet useless? Here is where vetting 101 helps us along with the basics. No document posted online can be used to vet anything or anyone; think about it!
When you go to help your child get their first drivers license or when you go to the interview for the much coveted job you trained for all too many years, or when you make your next application at the bank for a loan try this. Just tell them they can look up all the pertinent information on you on your website, on your Facebook or Twitter page or wherever it is posted on the World Wide Web. If you are not laughed at you will at least be shown the door.
The internet is still the one media that gets laughed at as it pertains to accuracy and reliability.
Here is the media that is home to a billion pages of filth, porn and general gobbledygook. The web is a long way from fully establishing its credulity as a news source but there is where our President chose to show the nation his papers. Yes, most reasonable people would tend to doubt this, how dare we label them 'birthers' and assign them to the fringe. Going from Snopes to a posted COLB and directly to the White House without passing go; that is what's fringy.
Most of us won't order a twenty dollar music CD from an internet website unless it has a major outlet like Amazon or EBay behind it with some kind of triple strength encryption on the check out page. But hey, want to be the President of the United States just post your birth certificate online and start spending the $600,000,000 in your campaign coffers to gain the White House. I am not trying to make it sound absurd, it doesn't need my help to sound that way.
The Presidents silence continues to drive a wedge between the rapidly growing number of Americans who want to see the certificate and those who just don't give a hoot. His credulity is suffering but no one seems to be advising him that if he continues to lose their trust it will undoubtedly show up hard against him in the 2012 election results. The million or two votes and growing cast against him for his indifference will be well earned and could be the difference between a second term and early retirement.
So what is the bottom line? Is it a court order to produce the document; is it a Senate or Congressional hearing to demand the papers? Can you snuff your nose at millions of Americans for four years and think it will all just go away like the fading of the morning glory at the rising of the sun? No one can say what series of complicated legal maneuvers will actually work to produce the big secret document but one thing is a foregone.
Before they were called 'birthers' they were called citizens. Until the constitution is completely discarded it is the citizens who have to choose and work with their president and it is the president who has to deal with the citizens. So deal with them Mr. Transparency!
The President has shown us that he has never met a minority that he doesn't like. He comes from the black minority and has shown special care to Latinos, immigrants and gays. Are the 'birthers' the one exception to the rule. Oddly they are the one with the simplest problem and it can be solved in a New York minute. What part of the simple request to see the document does the President not understand?
If he wants the whole matter to just go away he could obtain the document submit it to a few reliable news sources and put the entire matter to bed. Adding to his promise to become Mr. Transparency, Barack Obama has also earned the title of Mr. News Conference.
Why not shut the mouths of the naysayers with a single stroke, a single news conference and thereby perhaps pick up a few votes in the process. Holding up the highly disputed document for all to see and perhaps with a smile and a 'hey boys, look at this' would nip the entire matter in the bud. Birthers would go home silenced but happy and the confidence of several million Americans would be restored. All that remains after that is to see if the President invites people like Philip Berg, Mario Puzzo and Orly Taitz along with some of the most vociferous birthers to the White House for a beer.
But even if it takes until someone finally locates the documents for the inauguration of the new Obama Library the truth will one day be known. What will that legacy be? I said that I will keep the approach here on a purely philosophical level but I cannot leave the room without at least one small item lifted up from the theological level. If nothing should happen on the Obama birth certificate question until the very end of time there is one who will demand a look see; and he will get it.
Christ said, "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad." (Mt 4:22)
Obama Concealment Of Birth Certificate: Tainting His Presidency?
The promise of a great new 'Change we can believe in' is daily becoming the great "Division we can barely live with.' Why has the President allowed the question of his birth place to be added to the burgeoning list of doubts America is already facing.
The President's stand on abortion and the newly discovered provisions found in the Health Care Bill for assisted suicide for the elderly indicate that the 'one' who promised to heal the divisions in the nation has not only ignored that campaign promise, but has sailed his ship way outside of that empty promise to create a class of entirely disposable citizens. Can we now add the group often being referred to as the 'birthers' to the ever growing list of disposable citizens? No healing here.
The question raised by the title of this article can be answered with a simple, yes but to be fair we should examine the plight of the birthers. (Those who are demanding to see the long form of President Obama's birth certificate) More importantly, why hasn't the President put a stop to it with a simple showing of the document?
Anyone who surfs the web has by now become at least nominally aware that a rapidly growing segment of America is quite dissatisfied with the vetting of the President. The question is largely centered on Barack Obama's refusal to release what is known as the long form of his Hawaiian birth certificate.
The birth record is only one of many documents that have raised suspicion about the President's past. It is ridiculously un-complicated because the commonality of every document in question is the same; they are still missing, or at least unseen by anyone except those who are reported to be holding them.
Perhaps there is nothing at all to the entire matter but until the documents can be seen no one will believe that. In a nation founded on laws, evidentiary procedure and documentation for almost all grievances and complaints, applications or identification, missing documents just won't do it.
I will not enter the fine details of all that has been done to procure the records but rather I will try to keep this perusal of the matter on a strictly philosophical basis. I know it is impossible to have a Will Rogers kind of trust in people, a Glenn Beck style of appeal to common sense, all at the same time we are saying that the laws of the constitution may have been breached by the person who holds the highest office in the land. This is a tightrope for anybody to walk.
Hawaii has just hit the news and said that they have not destroyed any paper documents just because they have gone into electronic record keeping. It would seem safe to say that the document still exists. What does not seem as safe is that anyone should ask to see it. Newsman Lou Dobbs recently underwent a scolding according to sources for his mention of the missing documents and others have had to endure ridicule and outright scorn for the mention of it.
Every day thousands more Americans are joining those who are now calling for the proof but the White House has danced around the issue, the President remains mysteriously silent and the birthers have had to endure the scoffing, belittlement and pooh-poohing of their efforts by everyone in the Obama sphere and some outside it...........
We are all quick to point out that Obama supporters hang on his every word like they were hypnotized but are reticent to openly disagree with conservative big boys like O'Reilly who has often said Obama, is very smart. What is smart about creating doubt in the hearts and minds of several million Americans?
Concealing the facts about a simple document comes under the heading of 'pinhead' not 'patriot.' Shouldn't someone be willing to tell Mr. O'Reilly that? We can all appreciate the stand O'Reilly has taken on many issues but even his word can't substitute for the constitution and its obvious requirements for the vetting of a Presidential candidate.
Thanks for the stand and the tee shirts but the matter of vetting cannot be dismissed by the waving of your hand at the end of a ninety second segment. Grassroots movements require years to gain adherents and strength and no one can wave them off in a second. I am no more of an expert than O'Reilly on the 'birthers' but I would bet the farm that they are in this for the long haul and will not be easily dismissed.
Struggling to find the truth must never be confused with mere partisanship or labeled as a conservative or liberal cause. It is several levels above simple politics and can never be settled in the endless debates of pundits and news figures. If we could refer the question to the founding fathers I'm sure they would concur that this is the reason they gave us the constitution to begin with. Calling the birthers some less than flattering names shows that we have missed the point entirely. It is the constitution that is primarily calling for the truth not the birthers.
Here is the rub. Those who say the document has been seen are wholly unwilling to admit that it not only has been alleged to be a fraud but it is by any standard, totally unusable as an instrument of identification and or verification. The reason it has been rendered useless has more to do with the means by which it was presented rather than the assertion that it is fraudulent.
It could not be used to get a passport, a job, a security clearance, a travel visa, a credit card, a bank account, or a tryout for the little league. What it can be used for is to get a direct and unhindered passage to the White House. Should we really be surprised by the doubt it has raised in the minds of millions of Americans? Please don't insult your own intelligence with a glib answer of yes.
The more important question is why is the birth certificate posted on the internet useless? Here is where vetting 101 helps us along with the basics. No document posted online can be used to vet anything or anyone; think about it!
When you go to help your child get their first drivers license or when you go to the interview for the much coveted job you trained for all too many years, or when you make your next application at the bank for a loan try this. Just tell them they can look up all the pertinent information on you on your website, on your Facebook or Twitter page or wherever it is posted on the World Wide Web. If you are not laughed at you will at least be shown the door.
The internet is still the one media that gets laughed at as it pertains to accuracy and reliability.
Here is the media that is home to a billion pages of filth, porn and general gobbledygook. The web is a long way from fully establishing its credulity as a news source but there is where our President chose to show the nation his papers. Yes, most reasonable people would tend to doubt this, how dare we label them 'birthers' and assign them to the fringe. Going from Snopes to a posted COLB and directly to the White House without passing go; that is what's fringy.
Most of us won't order a twenty dollar music CD from an internet website unless it has a major outlet like Amazon or EBay behind it with some kind of triple strength encryption on the check out page. But hey, want to be the President of the United States just post your birth certificate online and start spending the $600,000,000 in your campaign coffers to gain the White House. I am not trying to make it sound absurd, it doesn't need my help to sound that way.
The Presidents silence continues to drive a wedge between the rapidly growing number of Americans who want to see the certificate and those who just don't give a hoot. His credulity is suffering but no one seems to be advising him that if he continues to lose their trust it will undoubtedly show up hard against him in the 2012 election results. The million or two votes and growing cast against him for his indifference will be well earned and could be the difference between a second term and early retirement.
So what is the bottom line? Is it a court order to produce the document; is it a Senate or Congressional hearing to demand the papers? Can you snuff your nose at millions of Americans for four years and think it will all just go away like the fading of the morning glory at the rising of the sun? No one can say what series of complicated legal maneuvers will actually work to produce the big secret document but one thing is a foregone.
Before they were called 'birthers' they were called citizens. Until the constitution is completely discarded it is the citizens who have to choose and work with their president and it is the president who has to deal with the citizens. So deal with them Mr. Transparency!
The President has shown us that he has never met a minority that he doesn't like. He comes from the black minority and has shown special care to Latinos, immigrants and gays. Are the 'birthers' the one exception to the rule. Oddly they are the one with the simplest problem and it can be solved in a New York minute. What part of the simple request to see the document does the President not understand?
If he wants the whole matter to just go away he could obtain the document submit it to a few reliable news sources and put the entire matter to bed. Adding to his promise to become Mr. Transparency, Barack Obama has also earned the title of Mr. News Conference.
Why not shut the mouths of the naysayers with a single stroke, a single news conference and thereby perhaps pick up a few votes in the process. Holding up the highly disputed document for all to see and perhaps with a smile and a 'hey boys, look at this' would nip the entire matter in the bud. Birthers would go home silenced but happy and the confidence of several million Americans would be restored. All that remains after that is to see if the President invites people like Philip Berg, Mario Puzzo and Orly Taitz along with some of the most vociferous birthers to the White House for a beer.
But even if it takes until someone finally locates the documents for the inauguration of the new Obama Library the truth will one day be known. What will that legacy be? I said that I will keep the approach here on a purely philosophical level but I cannot leave the room without at least one small item lifted up from the theological level. If nothing should happen on the Obama birth certificate question until the very end of time there is one who will demand a look see; and he will get it.
Christ said, "For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad." (Mt 4:22)
Hello! Hello! knock on your heads! do you even have brains out there!!!
what's it going to take to get you to stand up and FIGHT for AMERICA hmm?
from Charlie Daniel's soap box page,
Time To Decide Be honest.
I want to ask you some questions.
Does your financial future look brighter than it did seven months ago?
Do you feel the country is safer than it was seven months ago?
Did you vote for change in the last presidential election?
Are you getting "change you can believe in?"
Are you ready to shoulder the taxes and hidden charges that will be levied by the Obama administration so they can turn America into a socialist utopia?
Have you ever heard Barack Obama start a speech by saying, my fellow Americans?
Are we really his fellow Americans or are we only the great unwashed, uncultured, unsophisticated and uneducated, totally dependent on him and his fellow haughty intellectuals to guide our every footstep from cradle to grave?
Is he one of us or is he really one of them? The pseudo blue-blooded socialists, who look down their noses at the masses, think that they know what's better for "We The People" than we do, and that their ideas are the only ones that will work for America.Why do I say this?
First of all, Obama has given me no reason to think he has any idea what he's doing and everywhere I look in his administration I see arrogance. Arrogance in the treasury department, in the attorney general's office and the Secretary of Homeland Security is arrogant enough to think she can change the name of the War On Terror.Arrogance is bad enough but it is also accompanied by a degree of incompetence and naivety that could turn out to be disastrous if this country was faced with a catastrophe like 9/11.
I shudder to think what action from an Obama Administration would be like. Would Janet Napolitano call the attack, "man caused disasters by foreign freedom fighters?"It's sad to say this, but I believe in my heart that a major attack on America would throw the Obama Administration into a total tailspin. I think they would be confused, inept and completely incompetent to respond to the situation.Our clandestine services have already been decimated by indifference and political appointments and our enemies view us as weak for doing such things as closing down Guantanamo Bay. It may play well in France, but on the streets of Teheran it is looked upon as a chink in the armor.
I hope and pray that Obama is never put to the test, but if it should happen there is not enough experience in his administration to get us through a major dog fight much less a nuclear attack.People, I am more concerned about the future of my beloved United States of America than I have ever been in my life. This President and the "castrati" -to borrow from Rush Limbaugh- on Capitol Hill have taken this nation down the road to financial ruin, and if they get any semblance of their health care bill passed, the only thing that can save our country from total collapse is divine intervention.There's a hole in the ship and the President and Congress are pumping in more water in as the hole gets bigger every day.They are borrowing two hundred billion dollars this week alone. Is there any end to their insanity?
There doesn't seem to be.Do you have any idea what the interest on a trillion dollars is? And there is talk about the country being over twenty trillion dollars in debt.And they show no sign of letting up.One more question…Do you want to see America become a third world country, in debt to anybody who is foolish enough to buy our worthless treasury bonds, awash in a sea of double or -if stagflation kicks in- triple digit inflation and unable to compete in the world market?Obama's policies have never worked and they will never work, it is only throwing good money after bad.If you want to see a fine example of how out-of-hand government spending and ineptitude could affect our health care, look no further than the Obama administration's "cash for clunkers" C.A.R.S. program.A billion dollars was set aside for the government to subsidize new car sales for people willing to turn in their old gas guzzlers for new, more fuel efficient models, and now in just a week's time demand was outweighing the allotted funds.
This morning Congress hastily voted to add an additional 2 billion to the program.And these are the same people who want to spend a trillion dollars on a health care program.How long is it going to take for America to realize that Obama is a committed socialist who is intent on taking over every facet of American life?He has got to be stopped if America is to survive as a free nation.I have called every Congressman who represents the State of Tennessee and asked them not to vote for this health care bill and if you agree with what I'm saying I would advise you to call yours.
It's simple; the Capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121. You probably won't speak with the Representatives themselves, but some one from their office will answer the phone. All you have to do is tell that person that you hope your Congressman won't support the health care bill. That's all there is to it and one phone call means a lot.It's not the government's country no matter how convinced Obama and his crowd of arrogant intelligencia think it is.The United States of America belongs to "We The People," you and me, our kids and grandkids. They work for us, not the other way around and it's high time we let them know it. Speak up, America or prepare to be silenced forever.What do you think?Pray for our troops, and for our country God
Bless America
Charlie Daniels
this one should be passed on and on and on and on
from Charlie Daniel's soap box page,
Time To Decide Be honest.
I want to ask you some questions.
Does your financial future look brighter than it did seven months ago?
Do you feel the country is safer than it was seven months ago?
Did you vote for change in the last presidential election?
Are you getting "change you can believe in?"
Are you ready to shoulder the taxes and hidden charges that will be levied by the Obama administration so they can turn America into a socialist utopia?
Have you ever heard Barack Obama start a speech by saying, my fellow Americans?
Are we really his fellow Americans or are we only the great unwashed, uncultured, unsophisticated and uneducated, totally dependent on him and his fellow haughty intellectuals to guide our every footstep from cradle to grave?
Is he one of us or is he really one of them? The pseudo blue-blooded socialists, who look down their noses at the masses, think that they know what's better for "We The People" than we do, and that their ideas are the only ones that will work for America.Why do I say this?
First of all, Obama has given me no reason to think he has any idea what he's doing and everywhere I look in his administration I see arrogance. Arrogance in the treasury department, in the attorney general's office and the Secretary of Homeland Security is arrogant enough to think she can change the name of the War On Terror.Arrogance is bad enough but it is also accompanied by a degree of incompetence and naivety that could turn out to be disastrous if this country was faced with a catastrophe like 9/11.
I shudder to think what action from an Obama Administration would be like. Would Janet Napolitano call the attack, "man caused disasters by foreign freedom fighters?"It's sad to say this, but I believe in my heart that a major attack on America would throw the Obama Administration into a total tailspin. I think they would be confused, inept and completely incompetent to respond to the situation.Our clandestine services have already been decimated by indifference and political appointments and our enemies view us as weak for doing such things as closing down Guantanamo Bay. It may play well in France, but on the streets of Teheran it is looked upon as a chink in the armor.
I hope and pray that Obama is never put to the test, but if it should happen there is not enough experience in his administration to get us through a major dog fight much less a nuclear attack.People, I am more concerned about the future of my beloved United States of America than I have ever been in my life. This President and the "castrati" -to borrow from Rush Limbaugh- on Capitol Hill have taken this nation down the road to financial ruin, and if they get any semblance of their health care bill passed, the only thing that can save our country from total collapse is divine intervention.There's a hole in the ship and the President and Congress are pumping in more water in as the hole gets bigger every day.They are borrowing two hundred billion dollars this week alone. Is there any end to their insanity?
There doesn't seem to be.Do you have any idea what the interest on a trillion dollars is? And there is talk about the country being over twenty trillion dollars in debt.And they show no sign of letting up.One more question…Do you want to see America become a third world country, in debt to anybody who is foolish enough to buy our worthless treasury bonds, awash in a sea of double or -if stagflation kicks in- triple digit inflation and unable to compete in the world market?Obama's policies have never worked and they will never work, it is only throwing good money after bad.If you want to see a fine example of how out-of-hand government spending and ineptitude could affect our health care, look no further than the Obama administration's "cash for clunkers" C.A.R.S. program.A billion dollars was set aside for the government to subsidize new car sales for people willing to turn in their old gas guzzlers for new, more fuel efficient models, and now in just a week's time demand was outweighing the allotted funds.
This morning Congress hastily voted to add an additional 2 billion to the program.And these are the same people who want to spend a trillion dollars on a health care program.How long is it going to take for America to realize that Obama is a committed socialist who is intent on taking over every facet of American life?He has got to be stopped if America is to survive as a free nation.I have called every Congressman who represents the State of Tennessee and asked them not to vote for this health care bill and if you agree with what I'm saying I would advise you to call yours.
It's simple; the Capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121. You probably won't speak with the Representatives themselves, but some one from their office will answer the phone. All you have to do is tell that person that you hope your Congressman won't support the health care bill. That's all there is to it and one phone call means a lot.It's not the government's country no matter how convinced Obama and his crowd of arrogant intelligencia think it is.The United States of America belongs to "We The People," you and me, our kids and grandkids. They work for us, not the other way around and it's high time we let them know it. Speak up, America or prepare to be silenced forever.What do you think?Pray for our troops, and for our country God
Bless America
Charlie Daniels
this one should be passed on and on and on and on
the ovamit went down to America
the ovamit went down to America
[parody on the devil came back to Georgia by the Charlie Daniels Band]
the ovamit illegally came into America
And it planned inside his mind the worst way to bring change to America
was to destroy her from within
and in the darkest pits of hell the devil hatched an evil plan
To delude with suger coated charisma that obamit's just the man
"The right for payback," the devil cried is what we will lie to you
America did you ever know that time keeps marching on
and evil slips in the guise of change when you don't keep alert
The coldest hour is the one comes just before the dawn
The ovamit's in America will you stand up to the test
Or will you let the ovamit be the best?
In truth we haven't watched much since we thought all was still okay,
but look how our Christian freedoms have done been stole away
But give us half a minute an' we'll be on fire again and
we'll be on the march just like our founding fathers again
"The ovamit's grabbed our freedom's out of America's hands
and said "I've got hell care and depravity all across the land"
"Y'all just careful about turning your back to sin if you want America to win
'Cos waking up and taking it back is the only cure for the predicament we're in"
"Now ovamit it's been be a sin for you to get our Country now
so to hell you go and we will be free real soon again somehow
America are you listening or will your heart grow cold?
The devil walks the land and lies to you in the mold
of a very shinning angel named ovamit out for your very soul"
Before we play I want to thank you for letting God's own Word ring true
He said ovamit can't be trusted" "Yes but what you gonna do?"
"Well you keep fiddlin with us ovamit if you think that you can win
'Cos we beat wanna tyrants like before you old dog in the revolutionin
and we will whip your butt again"
John Brown's green, the devil is red
Mama's little baby loves shortnin' bread
The ovamit's dream is that he can win
But Ameica is the best that's ever been
and we'll be shinnin soon again
[parody on the devil came back to Georgia by the Charlie Daniels Band]
the ovamit illegally came into America
And it planned inside his mind the worst way to bring change to America
was to destroy her from within
and in the darkest pits of hell the devil hatched an evil plan
To delude with suger coated charisma that obamit's just the man
"The right for payback," the devil cried is what we will lie to you
America did you ever know that time keeps marching on
and evil slips in the guise of change when you don't keep alert
The coldest hour is the one comes just before the dawn
The ovamit's in America will you stand up to the test
Or will you let the ovamit be the best?
In truth we haven't watched much since we thought all was still okay,
but look how our Christian freedoms have done been stole away
But give us half a minute an' we'll be on fire again and
we'll be on the march just like our founding fathers again
"The ovamit's grabbed our freedom's out of America's hands
and said "I've got hell care and depravity all across the land"
"Y'all just careful about turning your back to sin if you want America to win
'Cos waking up and taking it back is the only cure for the predicament we're in"
"Now ovamit it's been be a sin for you to get our Country now
so to hell you go and we will be free real soon again somehow
America are you listening or will your heart grow cold?
The devil walks the land and lies to you in the mold
of a very shinning angel named ovamit out for your very soul"
Before we play I want to thank you for letting God's own Word ring true
He said ovamit can't be trusted" "Yes but what you gonna do?"
"Well you keep fiddlin with us ovamit if you think that you can win
'Cos we beat wanna tyrants like before you old dog in the revolutionin
and we will whip your butt again"
John Brown's green, the devil is red
Mama's little baby loves shortnin' bread
The ovamit's dream is that he can win
But Ameica is the best that's ever been
and we'll be shinnin soon again
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