Monday, August 10, 2009

The ACLU: America's Taliban

The ACLU: America's Taliban
Tuesday, May 26, 2009 10:24 AM
By: Pat Boone

It’s become starkly obvious that the elitist, leftist, and subversive organization with the ironic name of the American Civil Liberties Union has abandoned any pretense that it is committed to protecting the civil liberties of Americans.

I find evidence of its ideological desertion every day, in the newsletters I receive from Christian, humanitarian, charitable, or conservative political groups protesting the ACLU's active, aggressive, and increasingly unconstitutional opposition tactics.

Sometimes, those tactics approach outright persecution, as the organization is openly hell-bent on erasing liberties, and if possible, reinterpreting the Bill of Rights to squelch the long-cherished freedoms most Americans hold dear — giving dominance to cliques and minority groups the ACLU favors. Apparently, an elitist mind-set has hijacked this activist organization, a mind-set so far left that even socialism won’t satisfy them; they are determined to re-create America as a totally godless, hedonistic, amoral, Sodom-and-Gomorrah-like society in which there are no rules or majority-prescribed laws, except the ones the ACLU approves. Exactly like the Taliban in the Middle Eastern nations where it germinated (and in which it has wreaked mindless havoc), the ACLU is not content to “coexist.” It will not terminated its efforts until it has usurped and overturned the expressed will of the majority and gained absolute sway over the state and all its citizens.

If you think I'm exaggerating, just take a look at just a partial list of the things this viral group opposes — and another list of what it actually supports.


God bless America banners in school
Any kind of legalized school prayer
Christian home schooling
Parental consent laws
Our government’s post-9/11 security measures
Medical safety reporting of AIDS cases
Religious displays in public
Sobriety checkpoints and drug searches
Prison terms for most crimes
Any use of religious symbols, even for historical reasons
Abstinence before marriage
sex education


Abortion on demand up through birth
Adoption by homosexuals
Censorship of the Ten Commandments and the Bible
Free access to pornography for all, -
including Internet porn for children
Legalized drugs
Legalized prostitution
Freedom to desecrate the American flag
Extended protection under our Constitution for enemy soldiers
Mandatory comprehensive sex education, including detailed promotion of homosexuality and free condoms to students
Open homosexuality in the military
Violent and sexually explicit “entertainment” as protected speech
The “right” of an organization to help pedophiles learn how to seduce children, molest them sexually, and hide their activities from authorities.

I repeat: These lists are just partial. If you can think of other things that are antithetical to our Founding Fathers’ vision of a free, moral, independent republic, you probably will find cases in which the ACLU has jumped in to defend them. The “rights” of Nazis and skinhead bigots to march and assemble and pursue their warped agendas are early examples. But consider a few more recent cases, in which the ACLU: Filed a suit that led to a U.S. Defense Department order banning military units from sponsoring Boy Scout troops
Agreed to represent North American Man/Boy Love Association at no cost after two members were accused of raping and murdering a 10-year-old boy
Sued to bar dinnertime prayers at Virginia Military Institute
Asked a federal judge to overturn a state abstinence-only education program for schoolchildren Sued successfully to drive Boy Scouts out of a local park because Scouts do not permit homosexual leaders, then won $940,000 tax dollars for their attorney fees and court costs. Intimidated the L.A. County Board of Supervisors into removing a tiny symbol of a cross from the official county seal — and pledged to target all other government agencies with similar religious symbols in their seals, even when nobody had objected.
Worked against the president’s right to detain terrorists requested that officials at a New Orleans public school be “fined or jailed” for failing to stop prayer before a high school baseball game — claiming that prayer at school-related functions is “un-American and immoral.”

These, alarmingly, are just the tip of the iceberg. Like an American Taliban, the ACLU has moved on to support illegal immigration, flouting our laws. You would think lawyers would respect those laws, but not lawyers of the ACLU. Instead, as Judicial Watch reports, Los Angeles became the model about 30 years ago for local, county, and city governments throughout the country who followed the ACLU's misguided lead in seeking to protect illegal immigrants from capture and deportation. The L.A. police department instituted “Special Order 40,” a policy that prohibits LAPD officers from cooperating with federal immigration agents or even inquiring about the immigration status of individuals, including those they suspect are in the country illegally and may have engaged in criminal activity.

This special order turned L.A. and many other American cities into “sanctuary cities,” magnets for illegal immigrants and ballooning gang, drug, and lethal activity that inevitably resulted. Do you not see the stark comparison between the Taliban and the ACLU? Each seeks to disrupt the traditions and guidelines that identify and protect society — and to impose its own perverted will and ideology on a bewildered people. And the ACLU has gone the Taliban one better! It is getting the courts (other lawyers, not legislators) to award it millions and millions of taxpayer dollars to pay for its intimidation, litigation, and corruption.

You and I are funding its all-out assault on everything that’s precious to us. I expect that there have been, and currently are, altruistic and well-meaning young attorneys who think they’re defending liberties and helping the helpless. But I hope they’ll read this and honestly reassess the ACLU record. Meanwhile, our citizenry has to be aroused and informed. As we expect Iraqis and Afghans to resist their Taliban, so we have to confront ours aggressively.

The American Center for Law and Justice ( and Judicial Watch ( are taking it to the ACLU and facing it down. On our behalf, they are opposing our Taliban in municipalities across our nation and sometimes all the way to the Supreme Court. They are attacking bad legislation such “Special Order 40,” with prospects of regaining some respect for our immigration laws, and they’re on the front lines defending the Boy Scouts and our freedom of religion and morality. They need our support. Now is the time for all of us to come to the aid of our country. The ACLU is an American Taliban that cannot be allowed to take over our republic. © 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

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